Chapter Four Flashcards
At what sacrament are we more perfectly bound to the church and are endowed with the special strength of the Holy Spirit
Sacrament of the Holy Spirit
What book foretold that the spirit would rest on the messiah
Book of Isaiah
What completed the grace of baptism
Laying on of hands
Matter of confirmation
Oil of chrism epiclesis
Form of confirmation
Be sealed with the gift of the Holy Spirit
Between what ages can you get confirmed
Who sets confirmation age
Why not soldiers for Christ
Too military
“People for Christ” “ambassador for Christ”
Traditional order
Baptism confirmation Eucharist
Who does baptism
Who does confirmation
Who approved up and connects us to apostolic community
Who no longer lays hands on people
Who asks questions to make sure were prepared
What does seal mean
Identity, purity, authenticity
Did Jesus ever use the laying on of hands
Christ means
Anointed one
Mixture of olive oil and balsam which symbolizes the sweet odor of Christianity found in virtuous living and imitating Christ
In what churches is confirmation and baptism celebrated together
In the eastern churches who does the anointing
The priest
First used the name confirmation for post baptismal anointings
The councils of riez and orange
Used the name confirmation on an official list of 7 sacraments
The second council of Lyons
Defended the sacramental character of confirmation
The council of Trent
What oils are blessed by the bishop once a year or near Holy Thursday
Oil of: catechumens, sick, and chrism used in sacraments
Only the bishop can consecrate sacred chrism
Reminds us of the authority and approval of the bishop as the official successor of the apostles and as the representative of the wider church, and the connection of the bishop to the sacrament of confirmation
Symbolizes bishops role as leader of the diocese and presided of the local assembly gathered for confirmation
Spiritual seal of the bishop a sign of
Identity and ownership
How does one receive confirmation
Be in state of grace and receive sacrament of penance
Original minister of the sacrament of confirm
Continues what baptism begins
New life in Christ and new identity as members of his body
Strengthens, intensifies, deepens, or builds on the graces we were given at baptism
Confirm perfects what kind of grace
Baptismal grace
Special outpouring of the Holy Spirit, much in the same way the Holy Spirit came to the apostles at Pentecost. And it brings an increase and deepening of baptismal grace
When faced with a decision between money, power, or goods, they choose to abandon Christ
Seeds that fall among weeds
They believe in Christ when things are going smoothly, but when setbacks or tragedies happen, they give up
Seeds that fall among rocks
When persecuted for their faith, they choose the easy way rather than Christ
Seeds that fall among thorns
Our faith is nurtured by the grace we receive at confirmation
Seeds planted in good soil
7 gifts of Holy Spirit
Understanding knowledge piety wisdom fear of The Lord fortitude counsel
Helps us see the big picture, real meaning or truth, “spirit of the law”
Helps us open ourselves to knowing god and our religion in a deeper way
Enables us to give god true worship and praise and to show proper respect for god
Helps us to keep our priorities straight and to seek gods kingdom first
Fear of The Lord
Helps us never underestimate god and to fear offending god
Helps us Stand up courageously for beliefs and remain true
Helps give good advice to others
Since the church saw herself in a more militaristic way, what was seen in a militaristic way too
Who said that confirm strengthens baptized Christians so that they might become soldiers for Christ defending the true faith against evil
St. Bonaventure
Who said “ you said put away the old self of your former wag of life….”
St. Paul
What “truly matters”
Father son and Holy Spirit w
Qualifications to be sponsor
16, confirmed, role model, practice faith