Chapter One Flashcards
How does st. Augustine describe the sacraments
“Visible sign of invisible”
Mystery of gods becoming man, entering human history and becoming flesh like us
Public work and it refers to the participation of gods people through prayer and celebration in the fruits of paschal mystery, our salvation
The sacraments and liturgy are known as
Sacramental Economy
The system Christ uses to make himself and his saving grace present on earth
Sacramental economy
Cannot remained separated from the church
T or F the sacramental economy is the way the fruits of Christs redemption are given to us in the church’s liturgy and through the work of the holy trinity
Jesus is a ______, a mystery that cannot be fully understood
He is truly divine and yet also truly man
Hypo static union
T or F there is no greater expression of gods presence than Jesus
Jesus brings us this love, saving grace. Makes communion with the divine possible
Efficacious sign
What does it mean to call Jesus the primordial sacrament
Jesus himself is our only way to god
Primarily and fundamentally a personal act of Christ himself acting through his mystical body
Each sacrament
Why are sacraments efficacious
Christ is at work
Why is the church the universal sacrament of salvation
Visible channel of grace to the whole human race
The church is a hierarchical community under the supervision of leaders who are authorized to act in the name of Christ
The presence of the HS is seen most clearly in the lives of Mary and numerous saints throughout the centuries
All local church’s within the one universal church are united to one another