Chapter 3 Flashcards
Sacraments of initiation
Unbaptized people who r preparing to receive all of the sacraments of Initiation
Through what are we freed from sin and reborn as sons of god and become members of Christ and his church
Through baptism
To plunge or immerse
Baptism comes from the Greek word…
What does the plunging of the catechumens into water represent
Being buried with Christ ;”new creature”
Source of life since the beginning of the world
Reminds us that water is a rich symbol of new life
Baptismal liturgy
God saves us in the
Waters of baptism
Who did god make a covenant with and promised to be with them
The israelites
Preached repentance from sin and urged people to become baptized as a way of showing their commitment to gods covenant
John the Baptist
T or f Jesus was born without sin
Who baptized Jesus
What two ways did Jesus teach the primacy of baptism
The beginning and end of Christs ministry
What does Jesus’ baptism with water prefigure
His baptism in blood at his death on the cross
Our immersion in the water signifies what
His death
Our rising from the water signifies Jesus’
T or f from the day of Pentecost, baptism has been the way to membership in the church
Two or three year period of study about Jesus and the Christian faith
Four stages of Catechumenate
Precatechumenate, Catechumenate, purification, and mystagogia
Neophytes immersed themselves in the mysteries of Christ, the church, and sacraments,
A period in which the inquirers heard the good news that Jesus is the messiah and wanted to learn more
Period that coincided with lent in which the catechumens entered their names in the book of the elect
Inquirers find a good member of the Christian community to sponsor them
The elect underwent scrutinies which were prayer services that asked god to help them examine their lives for sin and strengthen the resolve of the elect to choose good and live for christ
Process by which anyone of the catechetical age is initiated into the Catholic Church
Confer all three sacraments of initiation in infancy
Eastern churches
Church taught that all humans inherited the sin of
Adam and Eve
Separate right for the initiation of children
Rite of baptism of children (rbc)
Baptism is necessary for
While god has bound salvation to the sacrament of baptism,
He is not bound by his sacrament
Belief that martyrs receive forgiveness for their sins and experience gods saving mercy if they had not yet been baptized by water
Baptism of blood
Belief that catechumens who die before receiving the sacrament of baptism receives forgiveness for their sins and experience gods saving mercy
Baptism of desire
When does the baptism of adults normally take place
During the Easter vigil
When is a baptism of infants usually celebrated
During Sunday mass to highlight connection w the Eucharist and other members
For the initiation process, inquirers are asked a series of questions by the priest… This is called
Rite of acceptance
Person belongs to Christ and reminder of grace Christ won for us by death on cross are both what kind of realities
Realities signified by the sign of the cross
Baptism signifies WHAT from sin and from the one who brings about sin
Celebrant immerses each candidate in blessed water 3x or pours water 3x over the candidates head
Essential rite of baptism
Sign of the royal priesthood of the baptized and their enrollment in the fellowship of the people of god
Anointing with chrism after baptism
What does the white robe and lit candle represent
New dignity
Adults initiated at the Easter vigil usually proceed directly with the celebration of what two sacraments
Confirmation and Eucharist
What two things signify immersion in water of the baptized
Death and new birth
T or f baptism doesn’t forgive both original and personal sin
False. It does
Sin by which first humans disobeyed gods commands, choosing to follow their own will rather than gods will
Original sin
Where is protoevanglium located
First gospel (genesis)
Women referred to is the “ new eve”, Mary mother of god
Baptism forms us in the likeness of the
Blessed trinity
Reminds us of the uniqueness of each person and of new life in Christ
White garnment
T or f because of baptism, not even sin can prevent a baptized person from gaining he rewards of salvation
False not even sin can
Virtues acquired by human efforts are known as
Moral virtues
Cardinal virtues
Prudence, justice, fortitude, temperance
Foundation of a Christians moral life and they are not gained by our own efforts
Theological virtues
Brings us into personal relationship with Jesus and helps us believe in his gospel of salvation
Virtue by which we desire happiness and the kingdom of god
Foundation of hope
Paschal mystery of Jesus
Greatest of all virtues
Perfects our ability to love others and raise it to the supernatural perfection of divine love
“A new beginning”
Use water to
Sustain life, renew, and sign of spiritual rebirth
We experience renewal by trail
Baptism of fire
Faith in action
Moral virtues that tells us to respect the Rights of every human and give ourselves to god and neighbors
Things of the earth helps us believe in god and make us living members of the church
Desire for eternal life and to live in happiness with Christ
Keeps you motivated to keep doing good courage
Disposes reason to discern true good “right reason in action”
Self control, moderation
Commandment; new commandment by which we love god above all things and our neighbors as ourselves
Moderates the attraction of pleasures and provides balance in the use of created goods, keeps our desires within the limits of what is desirable