Chapter Six Flashcards
Form of reconciliation.
Prayer of absolution
Matter of reconciliation
Contrition and confession
How many times should u confess sins?
At least once a year
Who said the sacrament of penance and reconciliation remains a spiritual rebirth which transforms the penitent into a new creature
Pope Benedict XVI
Also known as sacrament of conversion, confession, penance, forgiveness reconciliation
Continuing conversion that occurs after baptism
Sacrament of penance
Offers an opportunity for us to repair the relationship with the cleansing of our sins and the reception of gods mercy
The sacrament of penance
Revels the story of gods seeking friendship with humans
Jesus reveals god primarily as
Focuses on our relationship w god along with his law
New covenant
Where will the new covenant with god be written
Our hearts
How did Jesus prove what real friendship is about
Died for us
Who did Jesus give the power to forgive sins in his name
Church minsters of the sacrament
Bishops, apostles successors
In the early church, Christiana who committed serious sins after baptism were admitted into
Order of penitents
Book for confessors in the past that listed all possible sins and the appropriate penance that should be given for each one
During the 20th century it was common belief that Catholics should go to confession before receiving
Holy communion
Emphasized the reconciliation aspect of the sacrament, our call to an ongoing covenant of love and friendship with god and the church
New rite of penance
Obeying the law is more important than being gods friend
False vise versa
Confession is the only ordinary way for catholic to be reconciled with god following the commission of a mortal sin
Private individual
Liturgical action and begins with the sign of the cross as a reminder of the connection to the sacrament of baptism
Honest assessment of how well we have lived gods covenant of love
Examination of conscience
Most important act of the penitent
Offense against god as well as fault against reason, truth, and ones right conscience
Inclination to commit sin that can be found in human desires and appetites as a result of original sin
Include mental sins, sins of thought or attitude, as well as actual sins, hurtful actions against our covenant with god and the church
Personal sins
Destroys our relationship with god and the church
Mortal sin
Weaken our relationship with god and the church
Venial sin
That Is not repented or forgive by god causes a loss of gods kingdom and the eternal death of hell
Mortal sin
What is the difference between perfect and imperfect contrition
Perfect-sorrow for sin because we love god and want to be in relationship with him
Imperfect-sorrow for sin because we fear being punished for sin
Expresses our faith in god and is a public statement in the belief that we need god
Confession of sins
The secrecy priests are bound to keep regarding any sins confessed to them
Sacramental seal
In confession, who fulfills the ministry of Jesus Christ the good shepherd who seeks out those who are lost
Prayer penitents pray at the sacrament of penance to express sorrow for their sins
Act of contrition
“To restore to union, to rejoin, to put together again”
Partial or total wiping away of punishment due for sins that have been forgiven
Unity of the all those living on earth, those being purified in purgatory, and those enjoying the blessings of heaven
Communion of saints
Frees us from some responsibility we have for our sins
Partial indulgence
Frees us from any of the remaining responsibility we have for sin
Plenary indulgences
T or f just as god never gives up on us, so we are not to give up on achieving peace between others and ourselves or peace between nations
7 steps in reconciliation
Examination of conscience Sign of cross "bless me father" Confess sins Penance Act of contrition Absolved from sins Do the penance
Three ways of penance
Alms giving
Comes to terms with what we’ve done
Restorative justice
In persona Christi capitas
In the person of Christ the head
Who forgives sins?
Gods infinite mercy
Explain why being gods friend is more important than obeying law and how this relates to the sacrament of penance
God continually calls us to have a friendship with him because of gods great love for us; real friendship-died on cross
The SOP offers an opportunity for us to repair the relationship w the cleansing of our sins and the reception of gods mercy