Chapter Two Flashcards
Action of Jesus whereby he paid the price of his own death on the cross to save us from sin and thus return us to new, eternal life in union with god
What does the church’s liturgy celebrate
Life, death, resurrection, ascension, passion
In the —- we proclaim the mystery of redemption
T or f in the liturgy we remember and participate in the events that accomplished our redemption
T or f the apostles were empowered to begin the mission to teach and baptize people of all nations on the jewish feast of the ascension
False they were not empowered and feast of Pentecost
What experience changed the apostles as they became enlivened
The Holy Spirit continued to be present in the apostles and became —-
Sacramental signs
Apostles entrusted the power and authority of the Holy Spirit to their replacements
Apostolic succession
T or f the events of our salvation occurred only once, but by the power of the Holy Spirit the liturgy makes these events present and real for us today
Source of blessings we receive from the liturgy
God the father
What makes real the spiritual dimension it signifies
True sacrament
Jesus instituted the sacraments through what
His words and actions
Consecrated species of bread from mass that is reserved in the tabernacle in church. It is the real presence of Jesus
Blessed sacrament
T or f although Christ is present in the heavenly liturgy celebrated with the angels and the saints, he is not present in the earthly liturgy
False he is present in both
Holy spirits role in dispensing the graces of the sacraments is to
Prepare the church to encounter Jesus
The Holy Spirit serves as the ——- of the church
Living memory
Remembering of
Intercessory prayer the priest makes at mass in which he begs the father to send the spirit so that the offers of bread and wine can become the body and blood
Each sacrament is rooted in the
Paschal mystery
T or f the common priesthood is at the service of the ministerial priesthood
False. Vise versa
T or f the sacramental rite may not be arbitrarily modified by the community, the ordained minister, or even the pope
Helps us understand why the sacraments are necessary for salvation
Sacraments of eternal life
Woven from signs and symbols, and their proper matter and form
Why do we celebrate sacraments
They are acts of divine worship
An action of the whole Christ because as high priest of the liturgy Christ celebrates with the church both in heaven and on earth
Gave the apostles and their successors the authority to determine the physical matter, words, and gestures of sacraments
Traditional words said for each sacrament
Traditional physical elements and gestures used in each sacrament
The fact that people say and do the same thing at the same time
Sign of the unity of the assembly during sacraments
“A necessary or interval part of the solemn liturgy”
5 liturgical rites
Byzantine, Alexandrian, syriacrite, Armenian, and chaldean
Earthly signs by Jesus to tell us about the fathers love and bring us into greater communion with him
Water, bread, oil, human touch and acceptance
Made human history and time sacred when he entered human history
For Christmas, what day replaces the obligations for the sabbath
Sunday remains the heart of the celebration of the
Paschal mystery
Deliberately missing Sunday mass without a serious reason
Grave sin
When is incarnation celebrated
Advent and Christmas
When does advent take place
Four weeks before Christmas
Christmas begins with the vigil masses on December 24 and continues through the
Feast of the baptism of The Lord in January
The church especially recalls and celebrates the paschal mystery during which season
Baptism, confirmation, and first Eucharist preparation at
How long is lent
40 days
Last Sunday of lent
Psalm Sunday
Three day liturgy that is the church’s most solemn celebration of the paschal mystery
Easter triduum
Church commemorates Jesus institution if the Eucharist at his last supper as well as his washing of the apostles feet
Holy Thursday
Recalls the passion and death of Jesus
Goof Friday
What does the Easter vigil celebrate
Jesus rises from the dead
Also means “Passover”
Lasts for 50 days during which time the church reads accounts of the resurrection appearances of Christ
Celebrated on the 40 day after Easter
Jesus ascension
50 day after Easter we celebrate
Period between baptism and lent, and between Pentecost and advent
Ordinary time
Feasts of saints found throughout the year on the church’s liturgical calendar
Sanctoral cycle
Church extends the mystery of Christ through the hours of the day. Prayer of Christ intended to become the prayer of the whole people of god
Liturgy of the hours
By words our prayer takes on flesh
Involved search or quest
Simple gaze upon god in silence and in love
“End times” or “last things”
50 day Easter season
Newly baptized
Gives a teaching over scripture readings
Calling down upon
Doctrine that Jesus is truly present in his body and blood under the form of bread and wine in the Eucharist
Real presence
Doesn’t fade away after the mass is over, can’t just use reason; how it happens
HS came to Mary and apostles; 50 days after Easter. And birthday of the church