Fetal Soft Markers Flashcards
Increased risk of aneuploidy (7)?
- Ventriculomegaly
- Increased NT
- Absent or hypoplastic nasal bone
- Echogenic bowel
- Short femur
Increased risk of NON-chromosomal abnormalities (3)?
- Pyelectasis - increased APRPD (normal is <5mm)
- Enlarged CM (>10mm)
Soft Markers in BC (10)?
- Ventriculomegaly
- Pyelectasis
- CM
- Nasal bone
- Nuchal thickness
- Nuchal index
- Echogenic bowel
- 2VC
How to calculate nuchal index?
Nuchal thickness/BPD
Nuchal fold thickness 16-18 weeks?
Nuchal fold thickness 18-24 weeks?
If you are scanning a fetus at 17 weeks and their NT = 5.5mm, is it normal or abnormal?
Abnormal: From 16-18 weeks, NT should be less than 5mm
MVM is what measurement?
Severe ventriculomegaly is what measurement?
> 15mm
Why are ventriculomegaly measurements taken in the far field?
Due to near field artifacts
EICF is defined as?
Echogenic cardiac focus as bright as bone
In CPC, what must be the measurement to be considered a cyst?
3mm or greater
When would a CM measurement be overestimated?
Steep scan angle through posterior fossa or dolicocephaly
Mild pyelectasis measurement?
If you measure renal pelvis and is 4.9mm, should it be reported?
NO: abnormal measurement begins at 5mm
What is normal femur/foot ratio?
0.9 or greater
What abnormality is usually associated with sandal-toe gap?
Trisomy 21
Do you note sandal gap on tech report?
For cases of pyelectasis seen on ultrasound, when would follow-up be? (how many days postnatally?)
5-30 days
In what trimester are soft markers usually detected?
If an EICF is found and is an isolated marker, what is the next step?
- Quad screen if less than 20 weeks if they have not had prior testing
- If the NIPT comes back negative, no follow up is required
If a shortened femur is found as an isolated marker, what is the next step?
- Quad screen if less than 20 weeks if they have not had prior testing
- If the NIPT comes back negative, no follow up is required
If an EICF, pyelectasis, and abnormal femur/foot ratio is NOT an isolated marker, what is the next step?
Refer to medical genetics
If pyelectasis is found as an isolated marker, what should happen next?
Follow up ultrasound within 5-30 days
If a CPC is found with no other abnormalities, what should happen next?
- Quad screen if less than 20 weeks if they have not had prior testing
- If the NIPT comes back negative, no follow up is required
If CPC is found with either IUGR or other abnormalities, what should happen next?
Refer to med genetics
In cases of echogenic bowel or increased NT > or equal to 6mm or absent nasal bone, what should happen next?
Refer to medical genetics
What should happen in cases of ventriculomegaly?
Refer to FDS (fetal diagnosis service) MFM (maternal fetal medicine)