fertilization Flashcards
what is a gamete?
specialized sex cells that contain half of the genetic material of a normal human cell (sperm and egg)
how many chromosomes does each sperm have?
how many chromosomes does each egg have?
do sperm and egg cells have the same amount of chromosomes?
where does fertilization normally occur?
fallopian tubes
what is the path of sperm cell once it has entered the vagina?
vagina->cervix->uterus->one of the fallopian tubes
how does fertilization occur?
the fastest/healthiest sperm cells reach the egg, sperm contains chemical that breaks down coating around egg, several sperm cells burrow into the covering to make a hole for one to enter, once it enters it leaves its tail outside and a chemical change prevents more from entering
when is fertilization most likely to occur?
can a woman only get pregnant during ovulation?
what is a zygote?
fertilized egg
what happens to egg after fertilization?
after the zygote travels to the uterus it attaches to the lining of the uterus and becomes a blastocyst
what is prenatal care?
taking care of yourself and the baby as a pregnant mother (eg, no alcohol/drugs, no raw fish, no smoking)
what are causes of infertility?
-irregular ovulation
-low sperm count
-poor swimming sperm
-blocked fallopian tubes
-old eggs
define embryo
developing baby (up to 8 weeks)
define fetus
developing baby after 8 weeks
define placenta
blood-rich organ that nourishes the developing baby
define umbilical cord
connects baby to placenta
define amniotic sac
thin membrane filled with fluid that protects the baby
define artificial insemination
when a doctor inserts semen into uterus w/o penis
define in vitro fertilization
when sperm and eggs are removed then fertilize them in labs and then put into woman
define surrogate
if mother is unable to/doesnt want to be pregnant, they can pay another woman (the surrogate) to carry the baby
define midwife
trained to deliver babies but is not a doctor
define anesthetic
causes insensitivity to pain
define epidural
shot in the spine causes numbness from spine down
define natural childbirth
vaginal birth with no numbing agents or medication
define c-section
cut open uterus and retrieve baby
why are c-sections performed?
-if you already had a c-section
-baby stuck
-baby is facing wrong way
-mother or baby is distressed
-umbilical cord wrapped around baby neck
what is the difference between the fertilization of fraternal and identical twins?
fraternal: 2 eggs are fertilized
identical: fertilized egg splits into two
what are the three stages of birth?
labor, delivery, afterbirth
what is labor?
contractions of the uterus (cervix is dilating). this is the longest stage
what is delivery?
baby comes out and the umbilical cord is cut
what is afterbirth?
delivery of the placenta
what is the importance of mother’s milk?
passes antibodies from mother to weak baby
what is a blastocyst?
after the zygote attaches to the lining of the uterus, it becomes a blastocyst
specialized sex cells that contain half of the genetic material of a normal human cell (sperm and egg)
what happens in the fallopian tubes?
fertilization typically occurs
developing baby (up to 8 weeks)
developing baby after 8 weeks
what is the timline of an egg to baby
blood-rich organ that nourishes the developing baby
what is the timeline of an egg to baby
thin membrane filled with fluid that protects the baby
amniotic sac
inserting semen with out penis
artificial insemination
fertilizing egg in lab
in vitro fertilization