classification of the different types of proximal femural fractures
-basilar neck
Classification of the different types of distal femural fractures
is the fovea capitis covered by hyaline cartilage?
Femural neck angle of anteversion and inclination
Inclination: 130-245°
anteversion: 27-32°
Name the 3 protuberances of the proximal femur and muscles attaches to them
A) greater throcanter: middle+deep gluteal + piriformis
B) lesser throcanter: iliopsoas
C) third throcanter: superficial gluteal
Throcanteric fossa: internal + external obturator + gemelli
Arterial network to the proximal femur:
1) extraosseus
2) intraosseous
3) intracapsular
from extraosseous –> both intraosseous and intracapsular
describe in sequence from extracapsular to intracapsular arteries
1) medial circumflex femural+lateral circumflex femural+caudal gluteal ->
2) form extra capsular ring
3) penetrate joint capsule, create near physis intracapsular vascular ring
4) penetrate physis, create intraosseus arcuate network
the artery of the ligament of the head of the femur contributes to arterial vascular supply to epiphysis and proximal neck. T or F
F, only in cats (reason for probably less avascular necrosis)
how many surgical approaches exists for proximal femur?
1) cranio lateral
2) gorman approach (osteotomy greater tubercle)
3) dorsal approach with tenotomy gluteal (only joung patients!!)
name one uncommon but possible associated trauma to slipped cap
throcanteric physis separation (11-15%)
age restriction for gluteal tenotomy for dorsal prox femural approach
max 3-5 MO
there is a statistical significative association between pin number and femural neck resorption. T or F
A third pin for slipped cap helps with rigidity?
yes, the construct is 29% stronger
parallel vs divergent pins: Pros and Cons
Parallel > Divergent: biological+mechanical factors
-allow continued physeal growth
-forces distributed equally amongst pins
-dynamic compression fracture
how much could pin be advanced in slipped cap?
to controlateral apiphysis measurements
-80% center
-65% excentrically