feminist theory of inequality Flashcards
- class inequality feeley
women reproduce the next generation of workers and socialise them
-family teaches women to accept their place in the capitalist hierarchy
-children taught to accept traditional roles and be obedient and docile workers.
-therefore the ideology of the family in a capitalist society supports patriarchy as it promoted passivity and conformity
- class inequality breugal
womens roles also support the capitalist ideology
-women renew mens ability to go out and work by doing unpaid labour
-women reproduce the next generation at no cost to capitalist employers
-women do unpaid work, only one wage needs to be paid and a wife is dependent on her husbands wage.
-nuclear family weakens the position of individual workers in relation to their boss
-men have to provide for wife and children meaning hes less likely to rebel
- class inequality zaretsky
women soothe the stresses and frustrations of the proleteriat
-womens role aids false class consciousness
-husbands return home and take out their frustrations where women become the ‘takers of shit’
-this aids the false class consciousness and discourage the revolution
- class inequality benston
womens domestic work is unpaid which acts as a reserve workforce
- women are a cheap reserve army of labour used in economic crisis
-paid less as its a second income
- gender inequality adkins
sexual harassment in the workplace is the cause of gender inequality
-the labour market is divided by vertical and horizontal segregation
-female employees often subject to sexual harassment, including being sexually attractive as an integral part of a womens work
- their jobs about sexuality reproduce patriarchal relationships
- gender inequality johnson
violence is a result of patriarchal traditions of mens right to control ‘their’ women
-patriarchal terrorism is a form of control of wives involving systematic violence as well as economic subordination
-men use patriarchal ideology to enforce compulsory heterosexuality to maintain control
-nuclear family is a means to ensure male dominance through female subordination and unpaid domestic labour
- gender inequality oakley
socialisation into gender roles creates gender inequalities
-canalisation, manipulation, domestic activities and verbal appelations
- patriarchy and socialisation lead to gender inequality because hegemonic gender identities are enforced, allowing men to control submissive women
- women are less focused on the workforce and instead on housework, increasing their dominance on men and increasing pay gap
- gender inequalities mcrobbie
discrimination prevents women from having equal opportunities
- position of women as structurally different from men to be less present in society
-women influenced by the media cult of feminity
- bedroom culture explains how girls stay in their rooms as they are scared to face harassment in public.
- ethnic inequality abbott et al
black women face a multiple forms of disadvantage
-black women are doubly disadvantaged and criticise feminism for being ethnocentric
-white feminists have been allowed to speak on behalf of black women but not visa versa
-critical of lack of centrality given to ethnic differences and racism in feminist research
- ethnic inequality brewer
class, race and gender combine to create multiple sources of inequality
-black women face more disadvantage due to combined inequality
-interplay of 3 inequalities restricting black women known as a ‘triple systems theory’
-1/3 black women unfairly passed over or denied promotion- TUC equality briefing
- ethnic inequality mirza
black women are portrayed and percieved as passive victims
-dominant image of black women as passive victims of patriarchy, racism and social class inequality
-stereotypes include dutiful wife and daughter, enthusiatic hard worker, sexually available exotic other, controlling matriarch and homogenised thirdworld woman
-these stereotypes undermine that many black women are brave, proud and strong
4.ethnic inequality Connell
colonialism has caused gender inequality
-colonial rule led to imposed patriarchal structures often marginalizing women and subordinating them
-this kept inequalities alive through attitudes and structures
-left a long lasting impact on how gender is perceived and practised
-e.g gender roles restrict women’s access to education, land and economic practises, entrenching male dominance
- age inequality Itzin
women face double standards
-women’s status devalues after childbearing age, linking their status to reproductive cycle
-cosmeticisation is pressurised for women to fight the signs of aging with cosmetics and treatments
-double standards show ageing men do not face the same pressures and media presents a more glamorized version of male aging
- age inequality brannen
gender differences within the structure of the family leads to inequalities for women as they age
-beanpole family is where vertical links are increasing due to life expectancy increasing
-increase intergenerational support including childcare and carers increases family stability
-pivot gen is sandwiched between generations giving most care
- age inequality sontag
older women become excluded from media representations as they age
-double standard of ageing where women are irrelevant while men it’s a process of gaining wisdom and power
- women are required to be youthful throughout their media career to maintain social relevance and desirability
- age inequality oakley
expectation that women care for children is restricting
- comparison of women and children conveys a pic of mutual dependence and oppression
-women are responsible for caring for children which restricts them
-5 ways children face inequality:
1.adults speaking for children
2 childhood issues ignored
3. children’s lack same rights
4. children conform to adult demands
5. society is adult centered