globalisation Flashcards
the digital revolution
recent shift from analogue, mechanical and electronic technology digital technology-
new media:
-online newspapers+range of radio+TV through satellite and cable
-growth of computers, smart and tablets with a range of apps
the global village- Mcluhan
info can now be passed at the speed of light
digital media means we now live in the utmost proximity created by our electric involvement in one anothers lives
virtual communities
social community network of individuals
carter-cybercity- online friendships can lead to members then meeting each other in reality
boellstroff- second life- individuals can change their identities online as avatars, controversies linking to crimes committed online-boundaries are maintained through censors to boot avatars
digital social networks and social media
social media=digital based platforms which have a global reach
baracco- cultural homogenisation
-friedman argues for claiming the world is going through a process of Americanisation
-fukuyama argues for claiming the world will continue to be dominated by western, capitalist, democratic ideologies in the wake of the fall of the soviet union and capitalism
-spybey argues against claiming that the mastery of processes connected to industrial and post industrial capitalism can be directed from non-western countries
-giddens argues against claiming that reverse colonialism is occurring in parts of the west
fairweather and rogerson- cultural homogenisation
argue cultural homogenisation is occurring due to :
-computer software not being localised so reflecting western ways of thinking
-advertising by the west is broadcast on a global scale so presents ideas on what is desirable
-views on morality and ethics reflecting western ideas
big data
large sets of data that can be analysed to identify trends and patterns in behaviour and interactions
5 features:
volume-excessive amounts
velocity-digital data now transported at high speeds
variety- range of types of data
variability-data flows are inconsistent
complexity- data is gathered by multiple sources
the network society
the internet has enhanced communications between individuals in post-industrial society and the world of work
those who are more ‘plugged in’ to the network society have more social capital so face greater rewards in employability and status
4 problems with defining globalisation
- it is not a universally positive process-it actually exacerbates inequalities across the world e.g cyber bullying
- it does not occur everywhere at the same time e.g hasn’t reached north Korea due to political issues
- it doesn’t always lead to cultural homogenisation where one global culture is reached e.g many cultures have kept trad identities and values
- it will not always lead to liberal,democratic values such as individualism,diversity and choice. many across the world will actually resist this