❌Feedback Flashcards
What is feedback?
Information to aid error correction
What are the types of feedback?
Positive Negative Extrinsic Intrinsic Knowledge of results Knowledge of performance
What is positive feedback?
Information that offers encouragement
What is negative feedback?
Information about error correction.
What is extrinsic feedback?
Information from an outside source
What is intrinsic feedback?
Information from within
What is knowledge of results?
Information concerning the outcome
What is knowledge of performance?
Information about the technique.
What are the characteristics of positive feedback?
Tells the player what’s going well Offer motivation Often combined with praise Entails information about what is good Cognitive learners mainly
What are the characteristics of negative feedback?
Intention is to give the performer information about what is going wrong.
Helps errors to be corrected and bad habits eliminated.
Can be used for more experienced performers.
So successful actions will be repeated in the future.
What are the characteristics of extrinsic feedback?
Derived from outside the source.
Performer gains view of what they need to improve or maintain.
Mainly for cognitive and associative.
Used so errors are corrected and not repeated.
What are the characteristics of intrinsic feedback?
Comes from within
Have to be experienced/autonomous
Kinaesthesis - used to feel if the action was correct or not
Can be positive or negative
What are the characteristics of knowledge of results?
Gives an indication of whether or not the skill has been successful
Forms an early basis for improvement - successful outcomes need to be maintained, and unsuccessful ones need to be eliminated.
What are the characteristics of knowledge of performance?
Gives reasons as to why the shot went in or not.
Concerned with technique, and how it can be developed to produce a better performance.
More experienced
What are the benefits of feedback?
Builds confidence Motivates Corrects errors Tells you what to do Makes the S-R bond stronger Builds motor programmes Reinforcement
What makes feedback effective?
Give it immediately Set targets Make sure its relevant The performer must understand Make sure its accurate Appropriate for performer
What feedback should be used for a cognitive learner?
Positive and extrinsic.
They need advice because they have little knowledge and encouragement would help to motivate the performer to keep learning.
As a starting point, the initial outcome of early attempts at the task should be noted.
What feedback should be used for a associative learner?
Early in this phase extrinsic feedback would be required, but as knowledge grows intrinsic feedback can be introduced.
What feedback should be used for a autonomous learner?
Require detailed feedback, so would benefit from negative feedback.
Intrinsic feedback - have enough knowledge so would benefit from internal adjustments