[Feb] biomethanation technology-based Anaerobic Gas lift Reactor(AGR) Flashcards
Prime Minister mentioned the garbage to power Plant (Waste to power) plant in his speech.
About the Garbage-to-power plant:
Developed by: CSIR-Indian Institute of Chemical Technology(IICT)
Technology: It is based on a biomethanation technology-based Anaerobic Gas lift Reactor(AGR). CSIR-Indian Institute of Chemical Technology (IICT) has patented the reactor.
what is Biomethanation?
process by which organic material is microbiologically converted to biogas, under anaerobic conditions.
How does the plant work?
-conveyor belts carry tonnes of vegetable waste to shredders.
The shredded waste is then converted into a semi-liquid mixture. It is then put into large containers or pits to start the process of anaerobic digestion.
Organic waste is eventually converted into biofuel which has two major components, methane and carbon dioxide.
The fuel is then put into ‘100 percent biogas generators’ that converts the fuel into electricity and reaches the market’s electricity bulbs.