FCTM Flashcards
What is fuel freezing and the minimum temperature?
Fuel freezing refers to the formulation of wax crystals suspended in the fuel.
-43 degrees C for Jet A1
Standard rate of cooling is 3degrees per hr but up to 12 degrees in extreme conditions.
Increase TAT to stabilise temp of fuel so descend or speed up.
What does REC MAX FL and OPT FL mean?
REC MAX FL: Provides a 0.3g buffet margin.
OPT FL: Minimum cost when ECON mach is flown. Needs wind and temp info.
For each mach no, there will be a different OPT FL.
Overspeed warning during slats / flaps transition.
What is it based on? When can it happen?
During transition. Respect VMAX on PFD. This is based on slats / flaps control lever position.
Overspeed warning is based on the ACTUAL slat / flap surface position. Therefore during transition and dynamic acceleration. There may be temp overspeed even if current speed is outside the red and black strip. No operational consequences but must be reported.
Explain auto slat / flap retraction at heavy weight?
In conf 1+F and IAS 210, the automatic retraction system activated and retracts flaps to 0. VFE changes from CONF 1 + F to VFE CONF 1. When aircraft above S Speed, flap lever to 0.
What is the alpha lock function when retracting flaps?
At high AOA or low speed, slats will lock into place if flaps lever moved from 1 to 0. ‘A.LOCK’ will push on the E/WD above the slat indication.
If one of two tyres are deflated, what are the taxi limitations?
One tyre deflated - 7kts and NWS can be used
Two tyres - 3kts. NWS limited to 30 degrees
What is the TCAS operating technique?
TA - ‘TCAS I have control’ or ‘TCAS BLUE’
RA - Disconnect AP, follow green VSI within 5 seconds and request FD’s off. Notify ATC.
FD’s come off to ensure auto thrust speed mode. If necessary use full speed range between V Alpha Max and V Max.
For any ‘Climb’ on approach with F3 or F Full, perform a go around. Check V/S green and take over if required.
When should TA be selected on transponder?
- Engine failure
- Known traffic nearby in visual contact
- Flight with LDG gear down
- Operations a specific airports and during specific procedures with potential for not wanted or appropriate RA’s. e.g closely spaces parallel runways.
What are the TCAS icons and what do they mean?
How long are you expected to take to respond?
Monitor V/S / climb / descend. 5 seconds.
Climb Now, Increase climb. 2.5 seconds
What are the ROP alerts you could see on the ground?
When can you reduce thrust during braking?
PF immediately apply and keep max manual brakes and apple and keep max reverse.
If ‘SET MAX REVERSE’ triggers apply and keep max revers
If ‘ KEEP MAX REVERSE’ triggers, keep max reverse as long as necessary.
Below 70kts and no PFD message. Max reverse and aircraft stopping ok, then idle thrust can be selected.
What are the ROW alerts you could see on approach?
Amber RWY TO SHORT - consider go around.
Amber IF WET RWY TOO SHORT - If dry continue, if wet go around.
Red RWY TOO SHORT - Go around.
When is ROW/ ROP available?
ROW function arms 400’ AGL until start of braking.
ROP function - start of braking till the aircraft stops.
When may a flex take off not be used?
Contaminated runways or when advised by CCI
What happens if you do a ZFW entry error and what are the operational consequences?
Erroneous ZFW affects:
- FM predictions and speeds erroneous
- Incorrect GW and CG on MCDU fuel pred page.
- Incorrect GW on ECAM
- SRS mode guidance affected if VLS above V2
- Characteristic speeds incorrect on take off by correct in flight as FAC GW takes over. (FAC only computes once airborne)
In flight if Fm and FAC GW disagree from a given threshold. A ‘CHECK GW’ message is triggered on MCDU.
V alpa prot or max not affected since based on aerodynamic data. AOA etc.
What is the navigation accuracy crosscheck technique?
What to do in case of map shift? What message would you expect to see on MCDU?
Compare TO WPT or bearing computed date to RAW data such as beacon distance.
In case of map shift, how would you do a position update and what nav accuracy would you expect to get?
Recommended technique…
Update over beacon by pressing update prompt once estimated that the aircraft overflies beacon using the needle.
Error induced is approx 4 to 5nm and Nav Accuracy LOW.
Second technique. Use a point bearing distance.
When does Alpha Floor activate and how to deactivate?
Alpha floor activates then AOA goes beyond the A.FLOOR threshold. This means the aircraft has significantly decelerated below the A PROT speed.
ATHR automatically activates and TOGA commanded regardless of thrust lever position.
When AOA below the A.FLOOR threshold, you get TOGA LOCK. This can only be removed using the instinctive disconnect pushbuttons.
When is Alpha floor available and inhibited?
Alpha floor is available in normal law, from lift off to 100’ RA at landing.
Inhibited in some cases of engine failure.
What are the airbus golden rules?
- Fly, Navigate, Communicate. In this order with appropriate task sharing.
- Use the appropriate level of automation at all times.
- Understand the FMA at all times.
- Take action if things do not go as expected.
What are the four sections that QRH summaries are divided into and when do we use them?
- Cruise
- Approach
- Landing
- Go around
ECAM first, then status then QRH summaries.
What’s the difference between a black and red guarded control?
Black - reversible
Red - Irreversible
What actions are to be crosschecked (confirmed)?
- ENG master Lever
- IR mode selector
- All guarded controls
- Cockpit CB’s
Explain LAND ASAP on ECAM?
Land as soon as possible at the nearest airport at which a safe landing can be made.
Consider landing at the nearest suitable airport.
In case of an abnormal or emergency situation, what sequence should procedures be followed?
- Memory items or OEB immediate actions
What is the glide slope interception from above procedure?
Press APPR PB on FCU and confirm G\S is armed and LOC engaged. Monitor vertical intercept.
Select FCU altitude above a/c altitude to avoid unwanted ALT* engagement.
Select V/S 1500’min initially. V/S in excess of 2000’min will result in speed increasing towards VFE.
What is decision height?
The DH is the height above the runway elevation by which a go around must be initiated if not visual
What is there alert height?
The alert height is the height above runway based on the fail operational automatic landing system above which a CAT3 approach would be discontinued and a missed approach initiated if a failure occurred in one of the redundant parts of the automatic landing system.
If a failure affecting fail operational criteria occurs below AH, it would be ignored and approached continued except in case of RED auto land light.
AH concept is relevant which CAT 3 DUAL displayed.
Systems are fail passive. Single failure may lead to AP disconnect. Minimum DH 50ft
What is CAT 3 DUAL
Systems are fail operational. In case of single failure AP continues to land. Below AH, the approach flare and landing can be completed by the remaining part of the automatic system.
Autoland key approach points
Below 700’ RA FMS frozen. eg ILS tune
Below 400’ RA FCU Frozen
Below 200’ ‘Autoland warning’ triggers if:
- Both AP’s trip off
- Excessive beam deviation sensed
- LOS or G/S transmitter or receiver fail
- RA discrepancy of at least 15’ sensed.
What is the FLS function. What FMA’s would you see?
FLS = FMS landing system
Approach capability and downgrades are displayed on FMA when LS PB pressed.
Using FLS, what are the potential FMA’s and down grades you could see?
F-APP: FLS deviations and F-G/S && F-LOC guidance are available. THIS IS THE ONLY ONE WE CAN FLY WITH.
F-APP + Raw. Flight crew can refer to FSL deviations by must cross check with nav aid raw data.
Raw Only. Flight crew must not use FLS.
Using FLS what icons are the Loc and Glide?
LOC is displayed as a single diamond.
F-G/S is displayed as a double diamond.
Circling approach and Visual approach wind corrections. What are they?
Circling. No corrections.
Visual. +/- 1 second for headwind / tailwind
What is the protected area when circling?
4.2nm from both thresholds.
Explain how we check if we need to use reversers on a wet runway?
Prior to use of REV isle on wet runways, flight crew shall perform an in flight landing distance assessment made with the following parameters:
- RWY condition set to 3 - medium
- Autobrake LOW or MED as required
- REV set to NO (STD)
If F-LD outside LDA, max reverse must be used.
If F-LD within the LDA, the flight crew shall select at least REV idle during landing
For max cross wind limits use the actual RYW CC 5 Good.
What is the definition of actual landing distance?
From crossing the threshold at 50ft until full-stop of the aircraft.
What is the tailwind takeoff technique?
Full forward side stick
Rapidly to 70%, then above 15kts ground speed progressively increases thrust to reach take off thrust by 40kts ground speed.
Full forward stick till 80kts
Can we correct Vapp for gusty conditions?
In case of strong or gusts crosswind greater than 20kts. Vapp should be at least VLS +5. The 5kt increment above VLS may be increased up to 15kts at the flight crews discretion..
What is SAT and TAT?
Static air temperature. The actual temperature of the air.
Total air temperature. The temperature the aircraft feels due to dynamic heating.
What are your immediate actions for engine failure during cruise?
Disconnect ATHR
Set HDG as appropriate
Determine the engine out recovery altitude
When ready for descent.
Set speed and pull
Set engine out recovery altitude and pull for open descent.
You have a dual rad alt failure. Can you intercept the localiser and glide slope?
You can only use LOC PB