Why is the maxillary sinus is prone to infection?
Position of the sinus ostium high on the medial wall
Symptoms of hypoglycemia
CSF findings for infections cheat sheet
Skull XR findings for multiple myeloma
Osteolytic lesions
OLD age
C - High Ca
A - Anaemia
R - Renal failure
B - Bone osteolytic lesions
Heart anatomy land markings
To the right of the sternum is right atrium and to the left is right ventricle
The rising of the blood pressure in cushings is likely due to?
The sympathetic response
Which anatomical structure gives significant support to the uterus
The Transverse perineal muscles
The SA node
Supplied by the right coronary and receives supply from the vagus nerve
The psoas major muscle
Arise from the lateral borders of T12 - L5
Aortic arches and embryology cheat sheet
Post-operative fluids cheat sheet
Which part of the duodenum is constricted due to annular pancreas
Second part
Decreased cardiac pre-load
Gall stones when they are dark and small
Unconjugated bili
What is below the posterior rectus sheath
Transversalis fascia
What is the first thing to go up following a splenectomy
What is at the transpyloric L1 plane
Neck of the pancreas, Pylorus of the stomach, Hila of the kidney and DJ junction
Intercrestal plane
Lies at the body of the L4 level and the common area for LP
Intertubercular plane
Joins the tubercles of the iliac crest and at the level of the L5
Common cause of subareolar abscess and non lactating infection
TURP syndrome
Ulnar deviation B/L and signs of arthritis
Rheumatoid arthritis
What is the S1Q3T3 patterns on ECG
Transplant rejections
Axillary artery and branches
Axillary artery branches: ‘Save The Lions And Protect Species’
Thoracoacromial artery branches: ‘Cadavers Are Dead People’ (Clavicular, Acroamial, Deltoid, Pectoral)
1st Superior thoracic
2nd Thoracoacromial, Lateral thoracic
3rd Anterior circumflex humeral, Posterior circumflex humeral, Subscapular
Gell and Coombs classification easy way to remember
Which cell relies on the lactic acid cycle of the Cori cycle to meet all its demands
Lack of extension of the left great toe
L4 - S1
Where is vitamin K absorbed
In the terminal ileum
Dukes criteria
A - mucosa
B1 - extending into MP but not penetrating it, no nodes
B2 - Penetrating but no nodes
C1 - No penetration but nodes
C2 - Penetration and nodes `
D - Distant mets
What is the biggest risk factor for breast abscess as a result of lactation?
Age and term pregnancy
Glucose testing normal ranges
Celloria patton classification of the disrupted aorta
What is prognosis with respect to dukes criteria
What is the dukes criteria
Intraoperatively in a supine patient, where will the fluid collect first
Hepatorenal pouch (Morrison’s)
Which single respiratory test is the best for assessing resp function post op
What are the factors relating to metastatic breast cancer
BMI 41 and at risk of pre-op hypoxia due to what
Reduced FRC
Plasma cell mastitis and obliteration mastitis is the same as duct ectasia