Family and Households - Couples Flashcards
What did Parsons see as the roles of couples?
The Instrumental and Expressive roles
What is the Instrumental role?
The role of the breadwinner, earning money for the family, the man’s role
What is the Expressive role?
Caring and emotional role, looks after the children and the home, the woman’s role
What does Parson’s say about why men and women have different roles?
The differences are caused by biological reasons, such as women being more naturally nurting than men
What did Elizabeth Bott see as the roles of couples?
The Segreated conjugal roles and Joint conjugal roles
What is the Segregated Conjugal Role?
- Traditonal roles, much like Parsons outlined
- Women care for the children at ome
- Men make the money
- Leisure activities are seperated
What is the Joint Conjugal Role?
Tasks are shared between the couple
What type of family do Young and Willmott say exist?
March of Progress
The symmetrical family
What is the Symmetrical Family?
March of Progress
- Women go to work more
- Men help with the housework and children
- Couples spend more time together
What did Young and Willmott’s Symmetrical Family study show?
March of Progress
They found the Symmetrical Family to be more common in younger couples, especially those who were socially and geographically isolated as well as more affluent
What did Willmott and Young say caused the Symmetrical Family?
March of Progress
- Changes in women’s positions
- Geographical mobility
- New technology (labour-saving devices)
- Higher standard of living
Why do feminists criticse Willmott and Young’s Symmetrical Family?
They argue that they over exaggerate the extent to which the family is equal, women still do the majority of housework
What did Ann Oakley’s study show?
- 15% of husbands had a high level of participation in housework
- 25% had a high level of participation in childcare
- Men were more likely to partake in the more pleasurable aspects of childcare, making women lose out on the rewards of play
What did Mary Boulton (1983) say?
- Fewer than 20% of husbands had a major role in childcare
- Young and Willmott exaggerate men’s contribution by looking at tasks rather than responsibilities
What did Warde and Hetherington (1993) say?
- Sex-typing of domestic tats remained strong
- Wives were 30x more likely to be the last person to have done the washing
- Husbands were 4x more likely to be the last person to wash the car
- Men only carried out ‘female’ tasks when their wives weren’t around to do them
What is the Dual Burden?
Women now have two jobs - paid work and unpaid housework
What do March of Progress sociologists say about the impact of paid work?
- Johnathon Gershuny (1994) argues that women in paid work is making domestic roles more equal
- Oriel Sullivan’s (2000) studies show that more housework is being shared and men are doing more traditionally feminine roles
- British Social Attitudes survey found that only 8% of people in 2017 believed it was men’s only role to work
What do Feminist sociologists say about the impact of paid work?
- Men do intrinsically satisfying tasks while women do less rewarding tasks
- 60% of women felt the work they were doing was unjust as they were doing the majority of it
- British Social Attitudes survey showed little sign of the ‘new man’ and showed that women carry a dual burden
- Women often did twice as much housework than men