Factfulness Flashcards
Hans Rosling’s Factfulness
In all low-income countries, how many girls finish primary school?
Hans Rosling’s Factfulness
What is the world life expectancy?
70 years
Hans Rosling’s Factfulness
In the last 20 years, the proportion of individuals living in extreme poverty has _____________.
In the last 20 years, the proportion of individuals living in extreme poverty has halved.
Hans Rosling’s Factfulness
How did the number of deaths per year from natural disasters change over the last 100 years?
Decreased to 25% of what it was (deaths per capita has dropped to 6% of what it was)
Most people that die from natural disasters are in the level 1 income bracket (Due to poor infrastructure, preparedness, and emergency response)
Hans Rosling’s Factfulness
What percentage of the world’s 1-year-old children have been vaccinated against some disease?
Hans Rosling’s Factfulness
How many years has the average man spent in school? The average woman?
10 years
9 years
Hans Rosling’s Factfulness
What percentage of people have some access to electricity?
Hans Rosling’s Factfulness
By 2100, the global population will have increased by _____________ to _____________.
This is due to an increase in which age group(s)?
4 billion
11 billion total
More adults aged 15 to 74
Hans Rosling’s Factfulness
The number of children in 2100 will be the same as the number of children today (2 billion).
Hans Rosling’s Factfulness
What is an easy and useful measurement for assessing the overall quality of a society (Access to food, proper sanitation, primary health care, clean water, literacy, etc.)?
Child mortality rate
(Measured in deaths before the age of 5 per 1000 children)
Hans Rosling’s Factfulness
Are there any countries that have regressed in child mortality since 1960?
No, all have improved.
Hans Rosling’s Factfulness
What percentage of the world lives in low-income countries?
Hans Rosling’s Factfulness
What percentage of the world lives in middle-income countries?
Hans Rosling’s Factfulness
What percentage of the world lives in high-income countries?
Hans Rosling’s Factfulness
There is a bi-modal distribution of individuals between developing and developed countries.
Hans Rosling’s Factfulness
What are the breakdown of individuals in Hans Rosling’s four income levels?
Level 4 : 1 billion
Level 3 : 2 billion
Level 2 : 3 billion
Level 1 : 1 billion
Hans Rosling’s Factfulness
What is Hans Rosling’s first income level?
Level 1 = < $2 / day
(1 billion people)
(< $730 / year)
Hans Rosling’s Factfulness
What is Hans Rosling’s second income level?
Level 2 = < $8 / day
(3 billion people)
(< $2920 / year)
Hans Rosling’s Factfulness
What is Hans Rosling’s third income level?
Level 3 = < $32 / day
(1 billion people)
(< $11680 / year)
Hans Rosling’s Factfulness
What is Hans Rosling’s fourth income level?
Level 4 = >$32 / day
(1 billion people)
(> $11680 / year)
Hans Rosling’s Factfulness
Describe level 1 (According to Hans Rosling).
Extreme poverty. Living on gruel. Fetching water in a bucket. No transportation. Cooking on a wood fire. Little to no schooling. Dire circumstances. 1 billion people mostly split between Asia and Africa.
Hans Rosling’s Factfulness
Describe level 2 (According to Hans Rosling).
Above the extreme poverty line. Easier access to water with multiple buckets. Bike transportation. Gas stove for cooking. Unstable access to electricity. Some schooling. Unstable situation. 3 billion people.
Hans Rosling’s Factfulness
Describe level 3 (According to Hans Rosling).
$9-32 per day. Cold water tap. Motorcycle transportation. Fridge and stove combination. Stable access to electricity. Schooling for the children. Stable income. 2 billion people.
Hans Rosling’s Factfulness
Describe level 4 (According to Hans Rosling).
Greater than $32 per day. Hot and cold water available on demand. Auto transportation possible. Oven, stove, fridge, freezer combination possible. Some vacations via plane possible. More than 12 years of education generally. 1 billion people mostly in the Americas and Europe but also in Asia.
Hans Rosling’s Factfulness
200 years ago, what percentage of the world was living in level 1? What is comparable to the manner by which the vast majority of people live today?
200 years ago, 85% were living in level 1.
Today, the majority of the world (85% in levels 2 and 3) lives a life comparable to Europe or North America in the 1950s.
Hans Rosling’s Factfulness
What should I look for first when viewing a graph that appears to show a vast disparity between two groups?
First, check the scaling of the x and y-axis to see if it is logarithmic or if any portion of the axis has been left out to emphasize a disparity.
Then, look for the majority, not only the extremes.
Remember that from the top, it is easy to categorize every one below as poor, but that there is a wide spectrum of differences between those in income level 1 and income level 4.
Hans Rosling’s Factfulness
What organization adopted Hans Rosling’s four income level hierarchy in 2016?
The World Bank
Hans Rosling’s Factfulness
What are some of the big dangers we are facing? (It is important to recognize that we are improving in many ways but also deteriorating in others.)
Terrorism is on the rise.
Overfishing, pollution, and extinction.
Global warming: Sea levels will rise three feet over the next 100 years.
Hans Rosling’s Factfulness
What year was it that was the first time that 51% of the world was above the poverty line?
Hans Rosling’s Factfulness
How many people lived in extreme poverty 20 years ago?
How many today?
Hans Rosling’s Factfulness
What was the average global life expectancy in 1800? What is it today?
30 years
72 years
Hans Rosling’s Factfulness
What have been a few of the major setbacks in life expectancy throughout the last 150 years?
1880 - Famines
1918 - Spanish influenza
1940s - WWII
1960 - Great Chinese Famine (Mao’s policies)
Hans Rosling’s Factfulness
There are a few countries in the world with an average life expectancy of fewer than 50 years.
No countries have an average life expectancy of fewer than 50 years.
Hans Rosling’s Factfulness
How many countries had legal slavery in 1800?
How many today (Out of 194)?
Hans Rosling’s Factfulness
What percent of children died before their 5th birthdays in 1800?
What percent today?
Hans Rosling’s Factfulness
What percent of children were involved in full-time child labor in 1950?
What percent today?
Hans Rosling’s Factfulness
What percentage of people were malnourished in 1970? What percentage today?
Hans Rosling’s Factfulness
What percentage of adults in the world are able to read and write?
Hans Rosling’s Factfulness
What percentage of the world lives in a democracy today?
Hans Rosling’s Factfulness
What percentage of boys and girls in the world are enrolled in primary school, respectively?
Hans Rosling’s Factfulness
How many people were there in 8000 BC?
When did the population reach 1 billion?
When did we reach 1.5 billion?
When did we reach 2 billion?
Where are we in 2018?
Where will we be in 2100?
<500 million
7.4 billion
11 billion (But stable, just replacement fertility)
Hans Rosling’s Factfulness
Over the last 50 years, how has the average number of babies born per woman changed?
It has halved (5 down to 2.5)
Hans Rosling’s Factfulness
How do we curb population growth?
Eradicate extreme poverty
(Higher income societies produce less children)
Hans Rosling’s Factfulness
What is the average birth rate in level 1 income societies?
5 children per woman
Hans Rosling’s Factfulness
What is the average birth rate in level 2-4 income societies?
2 children per woman
Hans Rosling’s Factfulness
How significant are the direct effects of DDT on human health (regardless of its dramatic environmental impact)?
Mild effects.
Thus DDT can be useful in quick eradication of disease in certain situations (e.g. malaria in refugee camps)
Hans Rosling’s Factfulness
Is fear of terrorism in an income level 4 area a rational fear?
No, only 0.9% of all terroristic deaths from 2006 to 2017 occurred in income level 4 nations.
Hans Rosling’s Factfulness
How much has the terrorist threat increased in the world and in what income levels?
There has been a tripling from the 1997 - 2006 decade (50,000) to the 2006 - 2016 decade (150,000). 99.1% of these occurred in income levels 1 - 3.
Hans Rosling’s Factfulness
What percentage of global deaths are taken up by terrorism?
Hans Rosling’s Factfulness
Data shows that half the increase in child survival in the world is due to what?
The increased ability of mothers to read and write.
Hans Rosling’s Factfulness
What are some direct methods to improve health in income levels 1 and 2?
Fund primary schools, nurse education, health workers, and vaccinations.
Hans Rosling’s Factfulness
How many billions of people live in Europe, the Americas, Africa, and Asia, respectively?
1 - 1 - 1 - 4
Hans Rosling’s Factfulness
In 2100, how many billions of people are expected to live in Europe, the Americas, Africa, and Asia, respectively?
1 - 1 - 4 - 5
Hans Rosling’s Factfulness
What percentage of infants died before their first birthday in 1950?
What percentage in 2017?
Hans Rosling’s Factfulness
Currently, 60% of level 4 income populations live in the West and 40% outside of it.
How will this have changed in 2040?
The number of wealthy people in the West will not have changed drastically, but the numbers will be reversed. 40% of all the world’s 4th income level population will be in the West and 60% in the rest.
Hans Rosling’s Factfulness
Should babies sleep on their backs or fronts to help prevent SIDS?
Their backs (supine)
Hans Rosling’s Factfulness
Is there a major difference between religious and non-religious individuals in regard to how many children (on average) are born per woman?
Hans Rosling’s Factfulness
What is the main indicator as to how many children a woman is likely to have in her lifetime?
Income level
(lower income levels generally produce more children)
Hans Rosling’s Factfulness
Where does the U.S. rank in terms of life expectancy in the world?
40 (Out of 194)
(U.S. citizens live on average three years less than their counterparts in other level 4 countries)
Hans Rosling’s Factfulness
How does U.S. healthcare spending per capita compare to other level 4 income countries?
The U.S. is #1 by far ($9,400 compared to an average of $3,600 per capita in other level 4 countries)
Hans Rosling’s Factfulness
What percentage of the U.S. GDP goes to healthcare spending every year?
Hans Rosling’s Factfulness
How many people have access to a washing machine today?
2 billion
Hans Rosling’s Factfulness
Can we lay all the blame of ‘Big Pharma’ on corporate leaders?
No, there are many overlapping interests involved.
CEO < Board < Shareholders < Retirement funds etc.
Hans Rosling’s Factfulness
Were smugglers to blame for the drowning of 4,000+ refugees in the Mediterranean in 2015?
No, the 1949 Geneva Conventions guarantee refugees the ability to seek asylum in Europe. The refugees could pay the price of an airline ticket, but European countries demanded that (Inaccessible) visas be shown in order to buy the tickets (As a way to combat illegal immigration)..
So, excessive anti-illegal immigration measures in the West impeded refugees gaining asylum.
Hans Rosling’s Factfulness
How much of the carbon dioxide produced every year is produced by the richest billion?
Hans Rosling’s Factfulness
How many people died in the Spanish Flu of 1918?
50 million
(Life expectancy dropped from 33 to 23)
Hans Rosling’s Factfulness
What are some of the biggest global threats we are currently facing (According to Hans Rosling)?
Global pandemic, climate change, world war, extreme poverty, and financial collapse
Hans Rosling’s Factfulness
What is the most likely pathogenic culprit for a new global pandemic?
A flu strain
Hans Rosling’s Factfulness
How do we prevent WWIII?
Strengthen international ties (Olympic games, world trade, educational exchange programs, free internet, diplomacy, etc.)
Hans Rosling’s Factfulness
How can a lack of factfulness be remedied in education?
Especially in medicine, a basic, up-to-date framework as to the state of the world needs to be implemented so physicians and other professionals know what kind of situation and social determinants surround their patients..
History needs to be taught so that students can understand the progress and changes that have been made.
Hans Rosling’s Factfulness
What is a quick, easy method to learn more about diverse, international communities we may be serving?