Culinary Medicine Flashcards
Culinary Medicine
What are the two most important kitchen knives with which one can cover the vast majority of kitchen slicing tasks?
Chef knife
Paring knife

Culinary Medicine
What is the proper technique for holding a chef’s knife?

Culinary Medicine
What are the four steps of avoiding cross-contamination in the kitchen?
- Clean
- Separate
- Cook
- Chill
Culinary Medicine
After cooking, leftovers should be chilled in a refrigerator at or below ____°F.
After cooking, leftovers should be chilled in a refrigerator at or below 40°F.
Culinary Medicine
You can place a _______ _______ under the cutting board to keep it from slipping.
You can place a damp towel under the cutting board to keep it from slipping.
Culinary Medicine
What is the French term referring to meticulous organization of one’s tools and ingredients before beginning to cook?
Mise en place
(‘everything in its place’)
Culinary Medicine
Once you have started cooking, it is ideal to move around as little as possible.
So, collect as many of the ingredients, containers, measuring tools, etc. as you can before beginning (mise en place). Use a bowl to collect waste as you go.
Culinary Medicine
If you are going to store canned food after opening the can, you should cover the can in plastic and label it with the date it was cooked.
If you are going to store canned food after opening the can, you should always transfer the food to another container and label it with the date it was opened and the name of the food.
Culinary Medicine
It is useful to label prepackaged, opened food with what two facts upon refrigerating it?
(1) The date opened
(2) The name of the product
Culinary Medicine
When cutting onions slices, should one cut with or against the onion grain (there are lines running longitudinally from the stem to the root)?
With the grain
Culinary Medicine
What is proper technique for dicing an onion?
1. Cut the stem off and peel the onion
2. Slice vertically across the onion (from stem area to root), stopping before reaching the root
3. Turn the onion 90° and slice vertically again
(See image.)

Culinary Medicine
How should green onion be cut?
Which portion is most flavorful?
On a bias (to create oblique slices)
The white portion
Culinary Medicine
Name the five Blue Zones (locations in the world with the highest average life expectancies).
Nicoya, Costa Rica (90)
Ikaria, Greece (83)
Sardinia, Italy (90)
Okinawa, Japan (83)
Loma Linda, United States (90)

Culinary Medicine
~_____% of Americans have diabetes, ~_____% have hypertension, and ~_____% are obese.
~ 8 % of Americans have diabetes and ~ 33 % have hypertension, and ~ 35 % are obese.
Culinary Medicine
What are some simple first steps for patients looking to improve their diets?
- Visit MyPlate at
- Meal-plan
- Eat less processed foods
- Eat less fried foods
- Eat less salt
- Snack less
- Find tasty ways to eat vegetables
- Improve one’s portion control
Culinary Medicine
Name the major lifestyle changes associated with a significant reduction in systolic blood pressure.
Weight loss
DASH diet
Sodium restriction
Physical activity
Alcohol restriction
Culinary Medicine
Approximately how much can losing 10 Kg of weight lower one’s systolic blood pressure?
5 - 20 mmHg
Culinary Medicine
Approximately how much can adopting the DASH diet lower one’s systolic blood pressure?
8 - 14 mmHg
Culinary Medicine
Approximately how much can reducing sodium intake lower one’s systolic blood pressure?
2 - 8 mmHg
Culinary Medicine
Approximately how much can engaging in regular physical activity lower one’s systolic blood pressure?
4 - 9 mmHg
Culinary Medicine
Approximately how much can reducing alcoholic intake (to two drinks daily for men and one drink daily for women) lower one’s systolic blood pressure?
2 - 4 mmHg
Culinary Medicine
For many patients, adhering to the DASH diet would be sufficient for controlling their blood pressure, even without medication.
Culinary Medicine
How many calories are there in 1 g of protein?
And 1 g of carbohydrates?
And 1 g of alcohol?
And 1 g of fat?
Culinary Medicine
The Mediterranean diet was developed due to its close association with blue zones such as ________, Italy and ________, Greece.
Large scale studies have shown significant reductions in ________ disease and ________ incidence in those who follow the Mediterranean diet.
The Mediterranean diet was developed due to its close association with blue zones such as Sardinia, Italy and Ikaria, Greece.
Large scale studies have shown significant reductions in coronary disease and cancer incidence in those who follow the Mediterranean diet.
Culinary Medicine
There are ___ dietary components to the Mediterranean diet, and a score of 0 - ___ is given based upon the amounts of these foods consumed daily. A 2-point Mediterranean diet score improvement is correlated with a ___% reduction in death from all causes, including heart disease and cancer.
There are 9 dietary components to the Mediterranean diet, and a score of 0 - 9 is given based upon the amounts of these foods consumed daily. A 2-point Mediterranean diet score improvement is correlated with a 25% reduction in death from all causes, including heart disease and cancer.
Culinary Medicine
The 9 dietary components of the Mediterranean diet are:
F________ and N________
Cereals and Whole Grains
The 9 dietary components of the Mediterranean diet are:
Fruits and Nuts
Cereals and Whole Grains
Culinary Medicine
The 9 dietary components of the Mediterranean diet are:
Fruits and Nuts
C_______ and W_______ G_______
O_______ /F_______
The 9 dietary components of the Mediterranean diet are:
Fruits and Nuts
Cereals and Whole Grains
Culinary Medicine
The 9 dietary components of the Mediterranean diet are:
Fruits and Nuts
Cereals and Whole Grains
The 9 dietary components of the Mediterranean diet are:
Fruits and Nuts
Cereals and Whole Grains
Culinary Medicine
According to the Mediterranean diet, one should consume ~_____ ounces of vegetables per day.
According to the Mediterranean diet, one should consume ~ 10 ounces of vegetables per day.
Culinary Medicine
According to the Mediterranean diet, one should consume ~_____ ounces of legumes per day.
According to the Mediterranean diet, one should consume ~ 2 ounces of legumes per day.
Culinary Medicine
According to the Mediterranean diet, one should consume ~_____ ounces of fruit and/or nuts per day.
According to the Mediterranean diet, one should consume ~ 8.5 ounces of fruit and/or nuts per day.
Culinary Medicine
According to the Mediterranean diet, one should consume ~_____ ounces of cereals and/or whole grains per day.
According to the Mediterranean diet, one should consume ~ 10 ounces of cereals and/or whole grains per day.
Culinary Medicine
According to the Mediterranean diet, how much fish should you eat over the course of a typical week?
≥ 2 servings
Culinary Medicine
When it comes to oils and fats in the Mediterranean diet, the key is the ratio of unsaturated to saturated fats. A ratio of ___:___ (unsaturated to saturated) is ideal.
When it comes to oils and fats in the Mediterranean diet, the key is the ratio of unsaturated to saturated fats. A ratio of 1.6 : 1 (unsaturated to saturated) is ideal.
Culinary Medicine
Which forms of dairy are encouraged or discouraged in the Mediterranean diet?
Encouraged: cheese, yogurt
Discouraged: milk
Culinary Medicine
To add a point to the Mediterranean diet score, you should eat less than ___ ounces of meat per day for men (on average), and ___ ounces for women.
To add a point to the Mediterranean diet score, you should eat less than 4.0 ounces of meat per day for men (on average), and 3.3 ounces for women.
Culinary Medicine
How many alcoholic drinks should a woman limit herself to per day?
And how many should a man limit himself to per day?
Culinary Medicine
The Mediterranean diet grew out of the DASH diet literature.
The DASH diet grew out of the Mediterranean diet literature.
Culinary Medicine
The DASH in DASH diet is an acronym for what?
Dietary Approach to Stop Hypertension
Culinary Medicine
Compare the Mediterranean and DASH diets.
The DASH diet has many similarities with the Mediterranean diet, but with more adaptations for American taste.
There is less emphasis on seafood and more focus on legumes.
Culinary Medicine
Identify how many servings of each of the following an individual should have per day according to the DASH diet:
7 - 8
4 - 5
4 - 5
Culinary Medicine
Identify how many servings of each of the following an individual should have per day according to the DASH diet:
Low-fat dairy
Fats and Oils
2 - 3
≤ 2
2 - 3
Culinary Medicine
Identify how many servings of each of the following an individual should have per week according to the DASH diet:
Nuts, seeds, and dry beans
4 - 5
Culinary Medicine
Grains are a major source of what to the human body?
Culinary Medicine
Vegetables are a major source of which non-vitamin substances?
Culinary Medicine
Fruit are a major source of which non-vitamin substances?
Culinary Medicine
Low-fat dairy is a major source of which macronutrient(s) and/or mineral(s)?
Culinary Medicine
Meats are a major source of which macronutrient(s) and/or mineral(s)?
Culinary Medicine
Name some of the non-vitamin substances we get from nuts and seeds.
Magnesium, potassium, protein, fiber
(lots of energy too!)
Culinary Medicine
What percentage of calories in the DASH diet come from fat?
Culinary Medicine
What is the BMI equation?
BMI = Kg / meters2
(Mass adusted for height)
Culinary Medicine
What are the BMI categories?
Obese (class 1)
Obese (class 2)
Obese (class 3; morbid)
< 18.5 — Underweight
18.5 - 24.9 — Normoweight
25.0 - 29.9 — Overweight
30.0 - 34.9 — Obese (class 1)
35.0 - 39.9 — Obese (class 2)
≥ 40 — Obese (class 3; morbid)
Culinary Medicine
What measurement can be easily used in conjunction with BMI to assess a patient’s body habitus?
Waist-to-hip ratio
Culinary Medicine
To lose one pound of fat in one week, the average individual must be in a deficit of how many calories per day?
(3,500 calorie deficit per week)
Culinary Medicine
To gain one pound of fat in one week, the average individual must be in an excess of how many calories per day?
Culinary Medicine
What kind of major role(s) do carbohydrates play in the body?
Energy source
Culinary Medicine
What kind of major role(s) do proteins play in the body?
Building and maintaining tissue
Culinary Medicine
What kind of major role(s) do fats play in the body?
Nervous tissue and hormone production;
energy storage
Culinary Medicine
Name some of the afferent signals that increase appetite.
Neuropeptide Y
Agouti-related peptide
Culinary Medicine
Name some of the afferent signals that decrease appetite.
α-melanocyte–stimulating hormone
Culinary Medicine
Ghrelin is mainly released from what location?
The stomach fundus
Culinary Medicine
_____ levels of GLP-1 reduce satiety and promote gastric emptying, making one feel less full.
Low levels of GLP-1 reduce satiety and promote gastric emptying, making one feel less full.
Culinary Medicine
Leptin can decrease appetite when its levels are ______. It is found in adipose tissue and increases ______ sensitivity, ______ oxidation, and prohibits liver triglyceride synthesis.
Leptin can decrease appetite when its levels are high. It is found in adipose tissue and increases insulin sensitivity, fat oxidation, and prohibits liver triglyceride synthesis.
Culinary Medicine
As a physician, you will be faced with discussing fad diets with your patients (alkaline, blood type, Weight Watchers, Paleo, Zone, etc.).
What should you state about the effectiveness of these measures?
In the end, most lead to weight loss but are not sustainable for the long-term.
Culinary Medicine
What do the studies comparing weight loss programs tend to show?
Comparable weight loss in each program
Comparable reductions in serum lipids
Culinary Medicine
What do the studies comparing weight-loss diets of varying macronutrients tend to show?
They lead to similar reductions in weight
(As far as weight loss goes, the calorie deficit matters much more than the type of diet.**)
Culinary Medicine
The ______________ Equation is a formula commonly used to calculate basal metabolic rate.
The Harris Benedict Equation is a formula commonly used to calculate basal metabolic rate.
Culinary Medicine
To determine a sedentary individual’s daily caloric need, one should multiply their BMR by what?
To determine an extremely active individual’s daily caloric need, one should multiply their BMR by what?
- 2
- 9
Culinary Medicine
What method of determining BMR compares the amount of oxygen going in versus the amount of carbon dioxide being processed?
Indirect calorimetry
Culinary Medicine
If a child requires 2,000 calories per day, what is a healthy way of reaching that goal?
Supply their 1,500 BMR through breakfast, lunch, and dinner;
add in an extra 500 through healthy snacking
Culinary Medicine
______________ is a method of assessing caloric need which simply multiplies the patient’s weight in kilograms by a stress factor. It is not the most accurate method, but is helpful when you quickly need to have an idea of a patient’s caloric needs.
Quick Determinant is a method of assessing caloric need which simply multiplies the patient’s weight in kilograms by a stress factor. It is not the most accurate method, but is helpful when you quickly need to have an idea of a patient’s caloric needs.
Culinary Medicine
A(n) __________ is the amount of a food one chooses to consume in a sitting.
A(n) __________ is the amount mandated by the USDA and FDA to meet certain nutritional standards.
A portion is the amount of a food one chooses to consume in a sitting.
A serving is the amount mandated by the USDA and FDA to meet certain nutritional standards.
Culinary Medicine
Foods with high caloric density and low nutrient density are often not satiating.
Thus, eating nutrient-dense foods is not only desirable in that it supplies one with the nutrients, but it is also typically a more filling method of eating that reduces risk of overeating.
Culinary Medicine
Teaching Kitchen Tips for Meal Planning
Teaching Kitchen Tips for Meal Planning
- List out 21 meals for the week
- Pre-package meals as needed
- Pre-prepare and freeze large meals for later
- Select recipes with similar ingredients (for convenience)
- Select favorite recipes
- Be prepared when grocery shopping
Culinary Medicine
What are some options for eating fruit if you don’t have much access to fresh fruit?
Frozen (put in smoothies!) or dried fruit
Culinary Medicine
What are two main factors to consider in a patient’s current dietary intake?
Quality of the diet
Portion size
Culinary Medicine
In going over a nutritional label with a patient, what are some of the major factors to discuss?
1. Caloric density
2. Fat, cholesterol, sodium (keep these lower)
3. Fiber, vitamins (keep these higher)
4. Calcium, iron (keep these higher)
Culinary Medicine
Name the app:
The __________ app, which is a free download, allows you to make different grocery lists while also saving you money with sales. You can type the item you are searching for, scan the barcode, or voice search. You can share your lists with the people you live with and sync your lists with family members or roommates.
Name the app:
The Grocery IQ app, which is a free download, allows you to make different grocery lists while also saving you money with sales. You can type the item you are searching for, scan the barcode, or voice search. You can share your lists with the people you live with and sync your lists with family members or roommates.
Culinary Medicine
What are some tips for healthier and more efficient grocery shopping?
Don’t shop hungry!
Stick to the periphery of the store (often less processed foods are here).
Buy in bulk.
Avoid processed foods (< 5 ingredients is ideal).
Culinary Medicine
Name a website that is useful for showing patients proper portion sizes for a balanced meal.
USDA MyPlate
( is great as well)
Culinary Medicine
Breakfast meals should usually contain approximately how many calories?
(focusing on protein, fiber-containing complex carbs, and a little healthy fat)
Culinary Medicine
What is the main thing to watch out for when selecting breakfast foods?
Added sugars
(as well as calorically dense, nutrionally deficient foods like bagels and muffins)