Face and Scalp Flashcards
what does the superficial fascia and fat of scalp blend with?
superficial fascia in the neck posteriorly
extends into temporal regions laterally
what fascia covers the masseter and invests into the parotid gland?
deep cervical fascia (parotid fascia)
where do the muscles of facial expression originate and insert into?
facial bone –> skin/connective tissue of face
what are the muscles of facial expression?
frontalis (anterior belly of fronto-occipitalis) corrigator supercili orbicularis oculi procerus nasalis levator labii superioris alaeque nasi buccinator zygomaticus major and minor risorius orbicularis oris levator labii superioris levator anguli oris depressor labii inferioris depressor anguli oris mentalis platysma
what muscles control the movement of the lips?
obicularis oris levator anguli oris depressor anguli oris levator labii superioris (and levator labii superioris alaeque nasi) depressor labi inferioris
what muscles are found around the nose?
levator labii superioris alaeque nasi
what muscles are found in the cheeks?
zygomaticus major and minor
(also levator labii superioris and anguli superioris)
what muscles are found around the eyes?
orbiuclaris oculi
corrigator supercilli
what muscle is found in the forehead?
frontalis (anterior belly of fronto-ocipitalis)
what muscles are found in the chin?
(also depressor anguli oris and depressor labii inferioris and orbicularis oris under lips)
what are the branches of the facial nerve?
posterior auricular temporal zygomatic buccal marginal mandibular cervical
which branches of the facial nerve arise within the parotid?
all but posterior auricular
temporal, zygomatic, buccal, mandibular and cervical
what does the posterior auricular branch of the facial nerve supply?
posterior belly of digastric
what does the temporal branch of the facial nerve supply?
orbicularis oculi
what does the zygomatic branch of the facial nerve supply?
orbicularis oculi