List some reasons for extraction/removal of a tooth:
- gross caries
- advanced periodontal disease
- tooth/root fracture
- severe tooth surface loss
- pulpal necrosis
- trauma
- apically infected
what is the name of the instruments used to remove teeth from their sockets?
what makes it easy to differ between the upper and lower extraction instruments used?
- the wings of lower forcepts are at right angles to the handles
- the upper forceps have bends and grooves in the handle to allow the wing to be able to reach the teeth comfortably
In what direction are anterior teeth moved in order to be displaced?
- twisted out of sockets
- apical pressure should also be applied
what technique is used for posterior molars and sometimes premolars to extract them?
- forcep should be moved in a figure of 8 motion with buccal extention occuring after every few strokes
name the four types of lower forceps:
- lower universal forceps
- lower roots forceps
- lower molar forceps
- cowhorn forceps
what are the lower universal forceps used for?
used to remove:
- lower incisors
- lower canines
- lower premolars
what are the lower roots forceps used for?
- similar shape to the universal
- used to remove the roots of teeth
what are the lower molar forceps used for?
- used to remove lower molar teeth
- both sides
what are the cowhorn forceps used for?
- used for molar teeth
- ONLY when you can get below the crown into the furcation
how many types of upper forceps are there? what are the names of them?
- straight upper anterior forceps
- upper universal forceps
- upper root forceps
- upper molar forceps (x2, left&right)
- bayonet third molar forceps
- bayonet root forceps
what forceps would be used to remove upper incisors?
straight upper anterior forceps (can also be used for canines)
what forceps may be used to remove upper premolars and canines?
upper universal forceps
what are upper root forceps used for?
to remove the roots of upper teeth
what forceps are used to remove upper third molars?
bayonet third molar forceps (bayonet root forceps are used to help remove the roots of third molars)
Elevators are also used to help assist in removing a tooth. Give the broad names for the three types of elevators used in GDH:
- Couplands Elevator (most common, only one with a sharp end)
- Cryer’s Elevator (two types, both have points but face in different directions)
- Warwick James Elevator = three types, straight, left and right.
Explain how to tell the difference between a right and left elevator with a point (e.g Cryer’s elevator)?
- sit the elevators comfortably in your hand
- face the concavity of the point up towards the ceiling
- point the two points towards each other
- the one in your right hand is the right elevator (and vice versa)
How are elevators typically used to assist in the removal of teeth?
They are used to try and loosen the PDL around the socket for it to be extracted.
- probe around tooth to try and find an application point (area of loose PDL) and slip excavator in to loosen tooth
why should a fulcrum finger rest be used when operating with excavators?
elevators are sharp and a fulcrum can reduce likelihood of damaging soft tissues
On the upper molar forceps, why is one side of the wing pointed and the other flat?
- point enters the space between the two buccal roots
- flat side sits across the palatal root
how do cowhorn forceps work when performing an extraction?
they enter the furcation between the roots and prop it out of socket.