what is Achlorhydria?
the stomach does not produce hydrochloric acid (found in gastric acid)
what is Acromegaly?
pituitary gland produces too much growth hormone in adulthood
- swollen hands
- larger jaw/brow bone, spaced teeth
what is Acute Cholecystitis?
inflammation of the gallbladder (usually caused by gallstone blocking cystic duct)
what is Addison’s disease?
Autoimmune disorder where adrenal glands (found on top of kidneys) don’t produce enough cortisol or aldosterone because glands are damaged
what is AIDS?
the last stage of HIV infection, immune system can no longer fight infection
what is Anaemia?
body lack haemoglobin (usually may be caused by lack of iron, folic acid or vitamin B12)
what is classic Angina Pectoris?
reversible ischaemia of the heart
- described as central crushing pain
- worsens with exercise/exertion
what is unstable Angina Pectoris?
reversible ischaemia of the heart
- described as central crushing pain
- happens at rest
what is Aphthae?
group of small ulcers in the mucosa
what are Arrhythmia’s?
Irregular heartbeats
- tachy arrhythmias (fast)
- brady arrhythmias (slow)
what is Atherosclerosis?
Thickening or hardening of the arteries caused by build up of fatty plaques
what is Ascites?
fluid accumulation in the peritoneal cavity
what is Asthma?
Lung condition that causes breathing difficulties characterised by:
- excessive mucous
- inflammation of airways
- smooth muscle contraction of airways
what is Asystole?
Heart completely stops beating/no electricity or movement in heart
What is Atrial Fibrillation?
irregular and often fast heart rhythm
what is Barrett’s Oesophagus?
Inflammation to the lining of the oesophagus where cells begin to change from squamous cells to columnar.
Caused by acid reflux and can lead to metaplasia
what is Benign Prostatic Hypertrophy?
Hypertrophy of the prostate (enlargement) leads to blockage of the urethra and urine outflow causing dysuria
what is Bronchitis?
Inflammation of the lining of the bronchial tubes (usually caused by a virus)
what are Cataracts?
Clouded lenses causing less light to pass into eye (often a complication of diabetes)
what is Chronic Bronchitis>
type of COPD that is long term inflammation of the bronchi
- long term cough with mucous
what is Cirrhosis?
Scarring of the liver caused by chronic liver failure/damage (usually caused by alcohol)
what is Co-artication of Aorta?
Narrowing or contraction in a part of the aorta
- congenital condition
what is Coeliac Disease?
Immune system damages villi in small intestine when patient eats gluten
what is a Colonic Carcinoma?
Cancer which affects the colon or rectum
arises from polyps
what virus typically causes the common cold?
what is Coronary Artery Disease?
Buildup of plaque in the arteries that supply blood to muscles of the heart (atherosclerosis)
what is Crohn’s Disease?
Long term inflammatory bowel disease, affects any part of the GI tract (usually ileocaecal junction)
what is Cushing’s Syndrome?
condition in which patient has too much cortisol in their body
what is COPD?
Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease
- characterised by chronic bronchitis and emphysema
- makes it difficult to breathe
what is Conn’s Syndrome?
Overproduction of aldosterone in body (can lead to adrenal tumour)
what is Cyanosis?
Skin turns blue due to poor oxygenation of blood
what is Cystic Fibrosis?
- autoimmune disease that causes excessive mucous buildup in lungs and pancreas
- faulty CFTR gene
what is Cystitis?
inflammation of the bladder
what is Dermatitis Herpeformis?
skin condition (causes ulceration/aphthae) associated to reactions to glucose/coeliac disease
what is Type One Diabetes?
condition in which the pancreas produces little or no insulin
what is Type Two Diabetes?
resistance to insulin/cells dont respond normally to insulin
what is Diabetic Retinopathy?
Damage of blood vessels to the retina causing vision problems
what is Dysuria?
difficulty urinating
what is an Embolus?
anything that passes through a blood vessel until it becomes stuck in a small blood vessel
what is Emphysema?
Destruction of alveoli which leads to large air filled spaces in the lungs that don’t function
what is Encephalopathy?
damage or disease of the brain
what are Gastric Ulcers?
ulcers in lining of stomach that can be caused by H. Pylori
what is Gastroenteritis?
inflammation of the stomach and intestines that causes vomiting and diarrhoea
what is Gigantism?
excessive growth hormone in childhood
- usually caused by an adenoma/tumour on pituitary gland
what is Glomerulonephritis?
Damage to glomeruli of kidneys
what is Goitre?
Swelling of the thyroid gland that causes a lump in the front of the neck (caused by hyperthyroidism)
what is Grave’s Disease?
Autoimmune disorder which causes overproduction of thyroid hormones/hyperthyroidism
what is Haemophilia?
Inherited condition that affects the ability of blood to clot
what is Hairy Leukoplakia?
white patch in mouth that has a hairy appearance, usually associated with HIV
what is Hashimoto’s Disease?
autoimmune disorder in which body attacks the thyroid gland resulting in underproduction of thyroid hormones (hypothyroidism)
what is a Hiatus Hernia?
part of the stomach pushes up and extends into thorax
what is Hyperkalaemia?
high levels of potassium in the blood, can cause a myocardial infarction
what is Hypertension?
high blood pressure
what is Infective Endocarditis?
Infection to the heart valves on endocardium caused by bacteria entering the blood system
what is Ischaemia?
reduced/inadequate blood supply to organs
what is Jaundice?
yellowing of skin/eyes due to high levels of bilirubin in the circulation
what is Kaposi’s Sarcoma?
cancer cells are found in the skin or mucous membranes that line the GI tract?
what is Kernicterus?
brain damage that can result from high levels of bilirubin in a babies blood
what is Leukaemia?
neoplastic proliferation of white cells, disseminated in the bloodstream
what is Leukopenia?
low leukocyte (white blood cells) levels in the blood
what is Lymphoma?
neoplastic proliferation of white cells, presented as a tumour (usually in the lymph nodes)
what is Orofacial Granulomatosis?
Crohn’s disease found in the mouth leading to ulceration and gingivitis
what is Pancytopenia?
All blood cells reduced (lower RBCs and WBCs)
What is Patent Ductus Arteriosus?
congenital condition that transmits blood between aorta and pulmonary artery
what is Peripheral Vascular Disease?
ischaemia of tissues except from the heart, commonly in legs
what are Pituitary Tumours?
Adenoma in pituitary gland that can cause gland dysfunction and affect sight
what is Pneumonia?
Inflammation of the alveoli of the lungs (they fill with fluid)
what is Polycystic Kidney Disease?
cysts in the parenchyme of kidney due to a gene mutation
- can lead to renal failure
what is polydypsia?
excessive or abnormal thirst
what is Porphyria?
- abnormality of haem metabolism
- gives a photosensitive rash
- dark urine
what is Prostatitis?
Inflammation of the prostate
what is Pseudomembranous Colitis?
inflammation of the colon (caused by Clostridium Difficile)
what is Type One Respiratory Failure?
Hypoxaemia (thickening of alveolar barrier)
- low oxygen
- low/normal CO2
what is Type 2 Respiratory Failure?
Hypercapnia (airway narrowing)
- low oxygen
what is Rheumatic fever?
acute fever caused by streptococcus
- inflammation of the joints, heart, brain and skin
what is SEPSIS?
The body’s extreme response to infection (life-threatening)
what is Septicaemia?
Blood poisoning caused by presence of bacteria
what is Sickle-Cell Anaemia?
Inherited disorder
- globin chains are abnormal
- forms RBCs that have curled up edges
what is Obstructive Sleep Apnoea?
Muscles that support throat soft tissues relax and cause breathing to stop
what is Central Sleep Apnoea?
Brain doesn’t send proper signals to the breathing muscles
what is an Ischaemic Stroke?
Blood clot blocks flow of blood to brain (brain tissue dies due to lack of oxygen)
what is a Haemorrhage stroke?
Blood leaks from an artery into the brain and stops brain function
what is Thalassaemia?
Inherited disorder, body makes abnormal form of haemoglobin
what is Thrombocythaemia?
High platelet count
what is Thrombocytopenia?
low platelet count
what is Thrombophilia?
Excessive clotting of blood
what is a Thrombosis?
Blood clot (on top of plaque) blocks vessel
what is Ulcerative Colitis?
Discontinuous inflammatory bowel disease
- ONLY within the colon and rectum
what is Valve Stenosis?
valve doesn’t open properly