extra khan 3 Flashcards
situational approach
behavior is seen as influenced by external or situational factors, rather than innate; hard to predict behavior based on one situation
psychoanalytic theory
Freud- our childhood experiences and unconscious desires shape our behaviors; focuses on mental rather than observable behavior; major driving force is libido: nature energy source that fuels the mind; fixation at a particular stage predicts personality; most of our mind is the unconscious, ID
involved in perceptions, thoughts and judgments; wants long-term gratification; tries to please/balance needs of superego and id
moral compass, values of society
wants immediate gratification
humanistic theory
individuals have free will and we can develop ourselves to reach self-actualization; people are inherently good and self-motivated to improve; think about maslov hierarchy of needs and reaching top of pyramid
biological theory
important components of personality are inherited/determined by genes; use twin studies to determine if biological or environmental factor; inherited genes lead to traits which leads to behavior
behavioral theory
personality is result of interaction between individual and environment; based on observable behavior; Skinner- operant conditioning and Pavlov-classical conditioning
cognitive theory
focuses on individual’s thoughts as the determinate of one’s emotions and behaviors; thoughts and judgements work together with environmental influences to determine personality
trait theory
interested in measurement of traits, which are stable characteristics/habitual patterns of behavior; includes cardinal, central and secondary traits
cardinal traits
characteristics that direct most of one’s activities; influence all of our behaviors, including central and secondary traits
central traits
less dominant than dominant, but still important to personality
secondary traits
preferences or ways of life that are minor (don’t affect other aspects of life)
Big 5 personality traits
openness, conscientiousness (are you careful or impulsive), extroversion, aggreeableness, neuroticism (are you stable or anxious) remember OCEAN
Bandura’s Social Cognitive Theory
focuses on learning by observing others; four components: attention, memory, imitation, and motivation; to learn a behavior, have to pay attention to someone modeling behavior, have to remember what they did, be able to imitate it, and be motivated to repeat the behavior
Bobo doll experiment
children either saw a man being aggressive towards inflatable doll and said aggressive words; many of children then repeated man’s actions and words, but some did not; then showed TV with someone shown being aggressive towards a doll, then saw man punished for actions
Freud’s pleasure principle
immediately want to fulfill our wants and needs and avoid suffering when we are young/not mature
Reality principle
you may have to wait/ undergo a delay in order to get gratification, which is more long term