Explicit vs. implicit learning/ motor skills Flashcards
WHat are the 2 types of long -term memory?
What are the 2 types of declarative memory?
facts (semantic)
events (episodic)
What are the 2 types of non-declarative memory?
Skills & habits (procedural)
Priming, classical conditioning, non-associative learning
What are the 3 types of learning tasks?
paired association
free recall
Serial learning?
Learning a list of items according to the order of that list.
WHat are the 2 serial position effects?
primacy (first)
recency (last)
What are the 3 explanations given for the serial position effect?
anchoring (personally relevant)
Interference (middle items receive the most interference)
WHat are the 4 processes in paired associative learning?
Stimulus discrimination (b vs. d) Stimulus-response associating (degree of elaborateness = strength of association) Response learning (meaningfulness) Direction of associations (easier to harder)
Free Recall?
recall when not necessarily in order
What are 2 ways to organise memory?
associative/categorical clustering subjective organisation (own order)
What are 4 types of retrieval tasks?
recall (reproduce info)
recognition (new vs. old info)
relearning (refresh)
cued recall (prompts)
Recall taps into_______ memories while recognition
and relearning more sensitive to accessible
the stages of skill acquisition? (3)
cognitive (verbal rules)
associative (actions are stereotyped)
autonomous (repetition- automatic)
The automaticity often characterised by an inability to ______ how skills are performed.
one who performs a skills better than most
ability to master a skills with seemingly little effort
How long does expertise take to acquire?
10 years