Explanation of attachment: Bowlby's theory Flashcards
Continuity hypothesis
The idea that emotionally secure infants go on to be emotionally secure, trusting and socially confident adults.
Critical period
A biologically determined period of time, during which certain characteristics can develop. Outside of this time windw such development will not be possible.
(Aroung 3 to 6 months)
Internal working model
A mental model of the world which enables indviduals to predict and conteol their enviroment. In this case of attachment the model relates to a person’s expectations about relationships.
Monotropy (monotropic)
The idea that the one relationship that the infant has with his.her primary attachment figure is of special significance in emotional development.
Social releaser
A social behaviour or characteristic that elicits caregiving and leads to attachment.
Free will vs determinism. Bowlby’s theory of attachment is an example of biological determinism as its emphasis on surival on critical periods
Attachment is adaptive
P: A strength of Bowlby’s theory is that it explains why human infants form attachments during the critical period rather than when they are first born.
E: Infants become attached during the critical period of 3 to 6 months, at the same time that they begin to crawl. It is therefore vital that infants form and maintain an attachment during this time, so that their caregivers can protect them
E: This supports Bowlby’s claim that attachments are adaptive.
A Sensitive period rather than a critical period
Weakness as its being challenged
Bowly’s claim that attachments can only form within the 3 to 6 month ‘critical’ period has been challenged by Rutter et al’s research.
E: Rutter et al. found that although infants were maximally responsive to attachment formation during critical period, it was still possible for attachments to form outside this narrow window.
E: As a result of this finding, the term ‘sensitive period’ is now preffered as alternative ‘critical period’
There is research support for Bowlby’s concept of monotropy
Prior and Glaser (2006)
P: The multiple attachment model, which claims that all attachment figures are equivalent, appears to contradict Bowlby’s concept of monotropy.
E: However, in a review of research Prior and Glaser (2006) concluded that a hierachical model of attachment, which places emphasis one central person ‘higher’ than others, is more likely than multiple attachments
E: This supports Bowlby’s concept of monotropy and his claim that one special attachment plays a more significant role in emotional development
There is support for the continuity hypothesis
Bowlby’s claim that early attachment affect subsequent relationship is supported by research
E: The Minnesota parent-child study (Sroufe et al.2005) followed p’s from infancy to late adolescene and found continunity between early attachments and later emotional/social behaviour. individuals who were securely attached in infancy were more socially compentent, more popular and more empathetic later in childhood.
E: This Supports Bowlby’s continuity hypothesis, as it shows a clear link between early and later attachments.
What 4 AO3 are you using?
Attachment is adaptive (Strength)
A Sensitive period rather than a critical period (Weakness)
There is research support for Bowlby’s concept of monotropy (Counter-point)
There is support for the continuity hypothesis (Strength)