Experiments Flashcards
Discuss the experimental method
Aims are stated,
two or more levels of IV or manipulated by experimenter,
effect is measured on DV
Extraneous variable is a controlled and procedure is standardised,
hypothesis states the relationship between IV and DV,
causal relationships can be drawn
What is the problem with confounding variables
They very systematically with the IV thus any change in the DB maybe due to a confounding variable instead of the IV
What are the extraneous variables
Nuisance variables that make it harder to detect changes in the DV
What is mundane realism
The extent to which features of a study Mira the real world
What is generalisation
Findings from this study may lack generalisability if the materials or environment lack mundane realism or if participants know they are being studied
What is validity
Legitimacy or genuineness
What is internal validity
Enhanced by control of confounding variable is high mundane realism
What is external validity
Generalising to other situations and historical periods and people
What is a directional hypothesis
States more less Higher or lower
What is a nondirectional hypothesis
Does not state direction of difference
When do you state of direction
If indicated by past research
What is a pilot study
A trial run with similar participants to test procedures and amend if necessary
What are Confederates
Directed by a researcher to play certain roles in the study
What are the types of experimental design
Repeated measures, independent groups, matched pairs and counterbalancing
Discuss repeated measures
Each participant is tested twice experiences both levels of the IV
Discuss independent groups
Each participant is only tested on one level of the IV
Discussed matched pairs
Each participant is paired with another participant, each pair receives both levels of the IV
Discuss counterbalancing
Each condition is tested first or second in equal amounts could be AB, BA ,ABBA
Evaluate repeated measures
Order effects e.g. practice or boredom and guessing aims of the study. can be counterbalanced
Evaluate independent groups
Participant variables not controlled need more participants can use random allocation
Evaluate matched pairs
Matching takes time and may not account for all variables that matter
What is a laboratory experiment
Study with an IV and DV conducted in controlled environment
What is a field experiment
Study with an IV and DV conducted in a more natural environment
What can happen in both kind of experiment
The IV maybe contrived and thus reduce mundane realism
Evaluate laboratory experiments
Participants less likely to behave as they do in every day life because of awareness of being studied, and contrive materials and environment
Evaluate field experiments
Environment more natural and when is it being studied and likely, therefore higher ecological validity in but material maybe contrived, reducing ecological validity. Ethical issues of debriefing not possible
What is a natural experiment
The IV is natural insofar as it varies whether or not the researcher is there. the DV maybe measured in a lab
What is a quasi-experiment
The IV is not a variable, it is a condition that exists such as age or having an external locus of control
Discuss why both natural and cosy experiments cannot draw causal conclusions
The IV is not deliberately changed, there is no random allocation, then maybe unique characteristics of the participants, participants may be aware of being studied that’s reducing internal validity, the DV may be fairly artificial task, reducing ecological validity
What are demand characteristics
Queues in the experimental situation but convey a hypothesis to participants, creating expectations about how to behave
What are investigator affects
Unconscious queues for investigator that affect participants performance other than what is intended, including indirect effects e.g. investigator experimental design affect
What must be used to minimise the problems of demand and investigator characteristics
Single or double blind trials