Experimental Research Flashcards
Experiment in Research
The experiment allows to focus sharply on causal relationships. Researcher can observe causation.
• Experiments are for a narrower scope and scale
• Experiments are better suited for smaller studies
• Characteristics of participants should be similar to be able to make comparison
General Steps in Experiment
- Researchers begin with the hypothesis
- Modify something in a situation (ex. introduce a program, a stimulus, an intervention)
- Compare outcome with and without modifications/intervention
Experiment in Research - Major Conditions
Major conditions:
a) Randomly assigned participants for control group
b) Randomly assigned participants for experimental group
c) A specific intervention to be tested
• An experiment examines the effect of the independent variable on a dependent variable
Random Assignment in Experiment
- Participants (subjects) are randomly assigned into two groups
- Ideally it is better to randomly sample first and then randomly assign participants into groups
- Random means that each subject could end up in any group. All have equal chance to be in the group (control or experimental)
- Due to practicality, many researchers use convenience sampling and then randomly assign the subjects into the groups (through random assignment technique)
Three Main Components of Experimental Designs
- Control Group (not for pre-experimental designs)
- Experimental Group
- Experimental Intervention/s/Stimulus/Program
Experimental Designs - Control Group
In experimental design is the group which will not receive an intervention but will also be tested
Experimental Designs - Experimental Intervention
- Is the designed program (usually new or experimental), the impact of which should be tested?
- In order to observe whether the new experimental intervention caused an impact/change among the participants of experimental group, the comparison will be made with the control group which did not receive a new intervention.
- As a result, the experiment may determine whether a new intervention is effective or not
Experimental Designs - Experimental Group
Is the group which will be or is introduced to a new (experimental) intervention
Experimental Intervention - Double-Blind Experiment
A double-blind experiment guards against experimenter bias because neither the experimenter nor the subjects know which subjects are in control and experimental groups
Experimental Designs
Major options for designs:
• Experimental
• Pre-experimental
• Quasi-Experimental
Experimental Design - Pretest-Post Test Control Group Designs
Experimental Design - Extended the Pretest-Post Test Control Group Design
Experimental Design - Solomon Four Design
Experimental Design - Alternative Treatment Design with Pretest
Pre-Experimental Designs - One short Case Study Design/ One group post test design only
Pre-Experimental Design - Static Group Comparison/Post test only non-equivalent group design
Pre-Experimental Designs – One Group Pretest-Post Test Design
Quasi-Experimental Design
The main difference between experimental design and the quasi-experimental is:
- No randomization, meaning that participants are not randomly assigned to control and experimental group.
Options for Quasi Experimental Design
- Basic quasi-experimental design
- Multiple pretest design
- Simple interrupted time-series designs
- Interrupted time-series with a nonequivalent comparison group time series design
Basic Quasi-Experimental Design
Quasi-Experimental Design - Multiple Pretest Design
Quasi-Experimental Design - Simple Interrupted Time-Series Designs
Quasi-Experimental Design - Interrupted Time-Series with a Nonequivalent Comparison Group Time Series Design