Chapter 1 Introduction to Social Sciences Research Flashcards
A body of knowledge about reality as well as a set of systemic methods for generating this knowledge.
Agreement Reality
What we “know” as part and parcel of the culture we share with those around us.
Experiential Reality
What we “know” from personal experience and discovery.
The criterion for assessing the validity of arguments..
The criterion requiring sensory experience as evidence.
A set of practices and techniques used to collect, process, and interpret information aimed at enhancing our understanding of reality.
Causal Reasoning
The recognition that future circumstances are rooted in or conditioned by present ones.
Probabilistic Reasoning
The recognition that effects occur more often, but not always, when specific, causes are present.
Repetition of a research study in order to either confirm the findings of a previous study or bring them into question.
Confirmation Bias
The tendency to seek out, recall or interpret information that supports one’s existing views.
Gambler’s Fallacy
The mistaken belief that random events will “balance out” over time.
Concrete Experience
The empirical experience of sensation, incuding touch, taste, sight, smell and hearing.
Components of concrete experience.
Aggregations of percepts.
Abstract Experience
Imaginary experience occuring in the mind.
Abstract terms for organizing sensory experience.
Statements (ideas) expressing the relationships between concepts.
A set of interrelated propositions providing a logical explanation of empirical regularities.
Statements of what is ultimately preferable or desirable.
Properties of objects that can change.
The different scores that comprise a variable.
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Properties that do not change across objects over time.
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Accounting for events that have occurred in the past.
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A connection identified by a change in one thing being associated with a systematic change in another.
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Independent Variable
Variable believed to produce changes in a dependent variable.
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Dependent Variable
A variable whose changes we are interested in explaining.
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Idiographic Explanation
An accounting that aims to understand or make sense of the multiple causes of a specific event.
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Nomothetic Explanation
An accounting that identifies a few common causes of a broad category of events.
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A form of reasoning that moves from specific cases to the general case.
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A form of reasoning that moves from the general principles to a specific case.
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Pure Research
Investigations driven by curiosity and satisfied by understanding something previously unknown.
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Applied Research
Investigations directed toward insights that allow us to live more effectively or efficiently.
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Mixed Methods Research (MMR)
Research that combines quantitative and qualitative approaches to increase the breadth and depth of understanding of research problems.
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