EXAM REVIEW: Unit 1: Renaissance and Exploration Flashcards
Review for AP exam (AP euro)
Devastating disease occurring during the middle ages, helped spread by Mongols (Ren)
Black Death (beubonic plague)
Secularism definition (Ren)
Secularism is a way of life and thinking that rejects religion.
Where did the Renaissance begin? (Ren)
Italy (Florence)
Renaissance explanation… (Ren)
The word Renaissance means “rebirth.” It was a period in European civilization that was marked by a revival of classical learning and wisdom. People began to move further away from the church and more towards a desire to know everything. Leaned heavily on HUMANISM and EDUCATION.
Who was called “the father of humanism?” (Ren)
Humanism explanation… (Ren)
Humanist beliefs stress the potential value and goodness of human beings, emphasize common human needs, and seek solely rational ways of solving human problems.
What was the vernacular? (Ren)
The common language
Which humanist is known for writing in the vernacular? (Ren)
Who wrote The Prince? (Ren)
Niccolo Macciovelli
What was the main idea of The Prince? (Ren)
The Prince stated that rulers should only be concerned with power over the people, rather than pleasing them FEAR>LOVE
Petrarch, Valla, and Machiovelli were all examples of… (Ren)
Renaissance humanists
Who wrote The Courtier? (Ren)
(Both start with C)
What was the main idea of the Courtier? (Ren)
Teach about success in public life
Erasmus and Thomas More were… (Ren)
Christian humanists
What was the approximate time period of the Renaissance? (Ren)
About the 14th century to the 17th century (1300s to end of 1600s)
What was important about Italy’s geographical location during the Renaissance? (Ren)
Italy was a major trading area in the Mediterranean, allowing for the spread of ideas.
What social structure was predominant during the Renaissance time? (Ren)
Feudal structure (peasants, workers, land owners, rich, etc)
Who were the Popolo? (Ren)
The Popolo were the heavily taxed people of Italy who were denied access in the communes.
What was the importance of the Medeci family during the Renaissance? (Ren)
The Medici sponsored art and architecture and ruled Florence Italy during the time of the Renaissance.
What was the Bonfire of the Vanities? (Ren)
The bonfire of the vanities was a burning of objects condemned by religious authorities as occasions of sin in Florence. Led by Girolamo Savonarola, who believed society was too distracting and was not what God wanted.
What did Girolamo Savonarola believe? (Ren)
Believed society was too distracting and was not what God wanted, initiated the Bonfire of the Vanities. Predicts the world is going to end
Renaissance pope who built the Sistine Chapel (Ren)
Sixtus IV (1471- 84)
Role of women during the Renaissance period? (Ren)
Viewed as “ornaments” to men, expected to stay in the household.
Who wrote The City of Ladies? (Ren)
Christine de Pisan
What was the current geographical situation of Italy at the time of the Renaissance? (Ren)
Italy was split into many states, which were weaker, do to little military training or organization. Italy was a target for expansion by other European countries because of this.
Which French king would conquest into Italy during the Renaissance and take Naples? (Ren)
Charles VIII
What event would end the Renaissance in Italy? (Ren)
The sack of Rome (by Charles V)
Definition of Virtu (Ren)
The ability to act decisively & heroically for the good of a country
Inventor of the printing press (Ren)
Johannes Gutenburg
Difference between the Northern and Italian Renaissance (Ren)
The Northern Renaissance was focused more religiously at reforming society, while the Italian Renaissance used science and secularism to support their ideas.
What was the main idea of Praise of Folly? (Ren)
It criticized the problems with the Catholic church
What did Erasmus do? (Ren)
He wrote the Praise of Folly, which criticized the problems with the Catholic church, and also translated the New Testament into ancient Greek
Who wrote Utopia? (Ren)
Thomas More