exam review midterm Flashcards
Income security
Financial or material assistance provided to increase the income or other resources of individuals and families
Benefits to supplement income or maintain income levels
ie. Employment insurance, social assistance and workers compensation
What loosely makes up social welfare?
Social services and income security
Welfare state
We have this in Canada, it is a system whereby the state undertakes to protect the health and well-being of its citizens, especially those in social and financial need.
What are the approaches to social welfare
Residual view
Instructional view
Structural approach
Residual view
View to social welfare that states welfare should be a limited response when all else fails.
Based on the idea that there are 2 main ways in which an indivudals needs are met: family and the market economy
Gov should only step in when these sources fail.
Institutional view
Social welfare is a nessacary public response that helps people attain a reasonable standard of life and health.
Accepts that people can’t meet all needs through family and work.
Help people through publicly funded system of programs and institutions.
Structural approach
New approach that considers the underlying problems of society to be linked to private concentrations of wealth and power.
The welfare state in the structural view is one of the nessacary contradictions of capitalism.
What are the three levels of practice?
Micro: individual and families
Mezzo: small to medium sized groups
Macro: large organizations and government
Social justice
Justice in terms of the distribution of wealth and opportunities and privileges within a society, social workers generally support policies that redistribute wealth
Want to see social change
Promote equality and equal opportunities
Examples of social justice
Racism, child labour , social inequalities
Policing on the poor
A processes of interaction and integration among the people, companies and governments of different nations, a process driven by international trade and investment
One consequence has been greater concentration of power and wealth in global corporations benefiting a small few.
It will continue to have a direct effect on income security in this country, poorer individuals are mostly the ones who experience this the most.
What is an example of globalization
If one major cooperation goes out of business it will effect EVERYONE especially the poor.
An approach to economics and social studies in which control of economic factors is shifted from a public sector to a private sector
This discourages government programs and encourages purchase of services from private providers
Promotes polices that expand opportunities for businesses to increase profits while shrinking human services
Wealth over well-being
Individual level theories
Theories to social work that focus on individuals and their interactions
Structural level theories
Theories to social work that emphasize social structures, processes, and systems and how they shape people’s experiences
Medical model to social work
Physiologically based, provides a diagnoses, illness becomes individuals identity
Functional theory
Problems come from negative experiences and can be overcome using ones personal power to effect change.
Goal is to enhance social functioning in individuals
Emphasizes the clients role in directing change
Client is the expert
Strength based theory
Individual level approach that so used on person strengths and assets
Uses what the client is best at
Social systems theory
Based on the idea that society consist of a series of interdependent systems, and an indivudal is effected by these systems
Ie, family, church, school
Problems arise when there is a lack of fit between an individual and their environment
Structural approach f
Focuses on the impact of LARGE social structures in primary and secondary structures
Primary: racism, capitalism, heterosexist, ageism…
Secondary: family, community , personality…
Feminist theory
Looks at social, economic, cultural, political structures and gender inequality
Women cantered approach that strives to understand particular experiences of oppression in relationships and the broader society
Critical social work
Is he most influential and encourages social workers to think critically
Works toward changes in economics, social and political structures by encouraging critical thinking.
Anti oppressive practice
Draws open many different theories
Recognized that people’s experiences are shaped by the society in which they live and that many problems arise by oppressive structures of society.
Anti racist social work
Similar to AOP, but focuses on race and how it impacts lives and outlooks of people of colour.
What are direct practice skills?
Listening, validating feelings, interviewing, paraphrasing, clarifying, summarizing, giving information, interpreting, building consensus
homelessness and housing challenges in Hamilton
Only 3 family shelters in all of Ontario and one is in Hamilton
Family shelters are needed because men with children cannot reside in a men’s shelter
Goals of good sheaperd is to find housing in 6 weeks
Assumptions of those who use a family shelter
Stigma attached to the space as beg dirty and sketchy which is not true
Stereotypes about the indivudal as who all for the space
Who calls for space in a shelte?
Newcomers ( fleeing violence, reuniting with family, unexpected immigration date, opportunities)
Unforeseen conditions (fire,drought, home not to code)
Fleeing abuse
What theories are imposed at the good shepherd?
Anti racism and anti oppression
Strength based; aren’t judged for being homeless
Critical social work: analyze the structural violence at play
Social systems: not having home will impact their entire life’s
Feminist social work: supporting female households
Social work assessment in direct practice
Assessment is used to gather evidence to understand presenting problems, to evaluate progress and outcomes and to assess the effectiveness of a program
How is community defined?
As people who share the same values/ beliefs, living together, geographic location, share same identity …
Who was Paulo Freire
Educated who’s radical approach to education is applicable to community work
He believed that education should be real and relevant
Believed in engaging with the community
Praxis: and successful plan for change must be planned and people must be empowered to be apart of the change
Worlds most remarkable leader and organizer
Father of Indian independence
Believed that not only should every individual pursue truth and individual spiritual realization but also that this could only be accomplished though inter dependence and mutual responsibility
Roth,and community engagement model
Locality development: approaches to community organizing that focus on organizing around issues that are relevant to a particular neighbourhood or geographic space.
Social planning: expert driven approach to community work, though community members are involved in many aspects the experts write reports, does not focus on changing society but rather providing an immediate fix
Social action: activist approach like the feminist movement
bill lee phases of community work
Pre entry: get history of community, determine length of project and the desired outcome
Contact and engagement: this is when you meet with community, start engaging in the process and support people to develop a sense of hope
Community analysis: community must understand itself and develop a process to gain information about what is happening to its members
Organizational development: help the community get organized and develop roles and responsibilities that people can take on to facilitate change
Action, planning and mobilize: build consensus and media coverage
Conflict resolution: mediate conflicts within or outside of the community
Evaluate: reflect upon what they achieved or not
Community engagement strategy in Hamilton
Hamilton housing help, it’s a non profit organization that provides free information assistance and advocacy
What is a social policy?
The ideological base that directs the goals and objectives of the various groups weather professional, religious, government or communities that deliver social services.
It’s about social purposes
What and who influence social policies?
Public discourse, academic discourse, public service, influence of the elites but final desicions are with the politicians
What does social policy involve?
Legislation and programs
research methods, traditional
Exploratory: focuses on learning more about a new topic
Descriptive: use of data to describe population, organization and so forth to provide an accurate portrat of various characteristics of populations
Explanatory: focuses on answering why
Evaluation : the use of any of the above methods to assess a program, intervention of service
Community based tease arch methods
It is a collaborative approach that involves all partners throughout the research
Researcher is accountable to the community
Community shapes the research based on interests
Community is involved in the development of research and analysis
Local bodies that do policy and research work?
SPRC: improve quality of life through research, community development, community engagement, it identifies trends and produces publications to guid community groups and programs
Caledon institute: seeks to inform and influence public opinion and foster public discussion on poverty and social policy and devlops and promotes concrete predictable proposals for the reform of social programs
What is capitalism?
When most of the production of goods and services is controlled by privately owned companies where they profit from their production
Most work is preformed by people who sell their labour to someone in exchange for money
Results in inequality and the system inheritor produces conflicts between those who work for wages and those who emply them
Stanfords readings about capitalism
Money is not shared equally and the rich get richer
Workers face constant insecurity
Capitalism is innovative but not socially useful
Inequalitys cannot be avoided
Capitalism is not sustainable
How does capitalism create classism?
From the disproportionate distribution of wealth
Different opportunities are available in the different classes
How do we measure poverty?
Low income cut off: measure the rate in Canada it is based off the average household spending on nessecities and adds 20%, this is the number they use to determine poverty
Low income measure: used for international comparisons and takes the median income and divide it by 2
Markt based measure: proposed poverty measure based on consumption rather than income
Person is blocked form self development and is excluded from the full participation of society, doesn’t have rights that th dominance group takes for granted
Ie women are property, certiN race denied oppurtunity
What does anti- oppressive practice mean?
Being alert to ways non which your own lives and services resipiants lives may be affected by their social identity
Being alert to the ways in which sharing of identities or having a different identity
Looks at the use and abuse of power
Seeks to understand social structures and creation of oppression of those who don’t fit into the dominant group
What is a disability?
A loss or reduction of functional ability and activity as a result of an impairment
It can be psychical, mental, developmental or a neurological condition that substantially limits or impairs an individual’s functioning in more than 1 area
Why is disability important to social work
They face more discrimination and oppression
The consequence of the belief of the superiority of people without disabilities over people with a disability
Prejudice, cultural norms and social division
Legally blind applying for a job
Medical model in regards to a disability
Roots in medicine, disabling condition where professional help is needed
Regarded to as a personal tragedy
Interventions are aimed at being normal
Challenges: static characterists that don’t apply to everyone, denies that it can’t be cured, disability is their identity
Social model in regards to disability
Seeks to contemptualizze disability by distinguishing impairment from disability, argues that impairment is a result of physical limitation where a disability is a result of oppression and social exclusion
Challenges: risks discounting the individual, rejects clinical interventions
Radical model in regards to disabilities
Says there is nothing wrong with anyone and disability is apart of nature and diversity, the tragedy isn’t the disability but oppression and exclusion
Social workers in health care
Provide support for those who are dying or those who lost someone.
Social detriments of health
Model that incorporates economic and social conditions which shape the health of individuals, communities and jurisdictions
Food insecurity, disability, gender, jobs, income , education and access to health care
The invisible disability
Determining a mental health issue isn’t easy, mental health isn’t obvious to others, if you live with it for long enough you might not even notice
Most common mental illnesses
OCD, anxiety, depression, schizophrenia, bipolar, body image issues
Medical model in mental health
Most common, it is a diagnoses and medication, 30-40% don’t benefit from meds , it believes the problem exists within you
Structural perspective in regards to mental health
Mental illness is caused by inaquidate social systems or societal support.
Critical disability mental illness
The environment disables us, school systems only cater to one type of learner
Social constructionist mental health
Mental illness is created by comparing people to a norm, mental illness doesn’t really exist we just like to label people
Mad social movement
People with mental illness reclaiming the word mad, listen to mad people and their points of veiw, focuses on equality and human rights.
Social workers role in mental illness
Advocate, councillor, case management, engagement and crises worker
Social services
Personal or community services provided to help individuals and families improve their social well being.
ie. Childcare, child protection and women’s shelters