Exam 6 Flashcards
Tests for conscious and unconscious proprioception
Awareness of limb position and movement
Rhomberg test
3 layers of the cerebellar cortex
Molecular layer
Purkinjie cell layer
Granule cell layer
Purkinjie cell layer
Output from the cortex
Granule cell layer
Only excitatory cells in the cerebellum
Cerebellar white matter
Axons from cerebellar peduncles and Purkinjie cells
Deep cerebellar nuclei
Axons go out of the cerebellum
Vestibulocerebellar system
Receives information from the vestibular system and connects reciprocally with vestibular nuclei
Maintain equilibrium
Lesion of vestibuocerebellar system
Trunkal ataxia, poor visual pursuit, nystagmus
Spinocerebellar system
Controls muscle tone and synergy of contracting muscles during gait
Lesion of spinocerebellar system
LE and gait ataxia, dysarthria, dysmetria
Pontocerebellar (neocerebellum) system
Creates smooth coordinated movement
Lesion of pontocerebellar
Loss of fine motor skill coordination
Cerebellar ataxia
Unable to stand with feet together
Normal vibration sense, proprioception, ankle reflexes
Somatosenosry ataxia
Better balance with eyes open
Impaired vibration sense, proprioception, ankle reflexes
No vertigo or nystagmus
Vestibular ataxia
Gravity dependent
Balance better with eyes open
Vertigo and nystagmus present
Ventral lateral nucleus
Motor relay station for basal ganglia and cerebellum
Ventral lateral anterior nucleus
Pre-motor cortex
Ventral lateral posterior nucleus
Primary motor cortex
Ventral posterior nucleus
Sensory relay station for face/trunk/extremities
Ventral posterior medial nucleus
CL face
Ventral posterior lateral nucleus
Centromedian nucleus
Part of the ascending reticular activating system
Reticular nucleus
Regulates information into the thalamus
Regulation of the thalamus
Cerebral cortex
Reticular nucleus
Reticular formation
Signs of thalamic syndrome
Intractable pain
Cl hemianesthesia
Cl decrease position sense
Cl hemiplegia
Essential tremors
Tremors at rest and with movement
Supraoptic nucleus
Synthesizes/releases ADH in response to increased osmolarity in blood
Lesion in supraoptic nucleus
Diabetes inspidius (increase water intake/thirst and increase excretion dilute urine)
Suprachiasmic nucleus
Circadian rhythm center
Increases or decreases amount of melatonin based on light or dark
Lateral hypothalamus
Controlled initiation of eating
Hunger center
Lesion of lateral hypothalamus
Eating and drinking ceases causing aphagia & adipsia
Ventromedial hypothalamus
Controlled inhibition of eating
Satiety center
Lesion of ventromedial hypothalamus
Overeating (hyperphagia)
Arcuate nucleus
Detects concentration of leptin in blood; releases appetite stimulating and inhibiting hormones
Hormone released by adipose cells
Mammillary Body
Interconnects limbic system with hypothalamus
Median eminence/tuber cinerum
synthesize/release hormones
Afferent neuronal input into hypothalamus
Mammillothalamic tract
Efferent outflow form hypothalamus
Dorsal longitudinal fasiculus of Schultz
Subthalamic nucleus
Innerconnects with other basal ganglia nuclei and is involved in motor control
Lesion of subthalamic nucleus
Hemiballismus (involuntary flailing of CL limbs)
Posterior commisure
Pupillary light reflex
Pineal gland
Secretes melatonin
Medial geniculate nucleus
Primary auditory area
Lateral geniculate nucleus
Primary visual cortex