Exam #5: Putting It All Together Flashcards
What are the four C’s of communication?
1) Courtesy
2) Comfort
3) Connection
4) Confirmation
What are some of the common ways that a good doctor-patient relationship is hindered?
- Keeping the patient waiting without an explanation
- Being in a furry
- Belittling the patient’s concerns or emotions
- Ignoring their life stresses*
What should you keep in mind when dealing with a difficult patient?
1) Understand the needs & insecurities of the patient
2) Never disrespect
3) Use supportive resources
What are some things that can be done to effectively deliver bad news?
- Turn off pager/ phone
- Involve family, significant other, &/or clergy
- Be specific in details
- Adjust flow of information to patients needs
- Avoid jargon
- Inform patient ASAP
When would you take a comprehensive history?
- New patient
- Annual physical
- Pre-operative physical
- Hospitalized patient
When would you take a problem oriented or focused history?
- Typical progress note
- Sick visit
- Acute problem
- Life threatening problem
*Anything requiring immediate attention
What is the difference between a basic physical exam and an expanded physical exam?
Basic= tests major function of the system
- Heart
- Lungs
- Do a basic exam of these on ALL patients
Expanded= in depth examination of a system; done for
- System of chief complaint
- In follow-up to a new problem
- Abnormality found in basic examination
What are the parts of the basic examination of the heart?
- Inspect
- Palpate PMI
- Auscultate
What are the parts of a basic examination of the lungs?
- Inspect
- Auscultate
- AP diameter
How should you orally present a patient?
This is a brief presentation of all pertinent positives & negatives–the shorter the better
Aside from history, what else should be given in an oral presentation to a mentor/ colleague?
- Pertinent exam findings
- Assessment including pertinent labs, imaging, other diagnostic procedures
- Differential diagnosis
- Proposed plan