Exam #5: Pediatric Neuromuscular Exam Flashcards
What is the first thing you do when preforming the neuromuscular exam on the newborn?
Observation of tone
What should you see when examining the newborn (muscle tone)?
Flexion at elbows, hips, and knees
What are you concerned about if there is an absence of flexion i.e. one arm if flexed but the other isn’t?
1) Clavicle fracture
2) Brachial plexus injury
How do clavicle fractures appear?
Swelling at the fracture site
Following observation, how do you continue tone assessment?
Pull the patient toward you by the arms or legs and see what degree of flexion returns, then:
1) Pull test i.e. pick the baby up by both arms to see what the head does (head should try to come up)
2) Ventral suspension–place the baby prone in your hand
3) Vertical suspension–hold the baby upright with two hands around the chest
What are the two tests for the hip exam to rule out developmental displasia of the hip (DDH)?
Barlow’s maneuver
- Grab leg with thumb inside & fingers around outer thigh
- ADduct thigh & apply downward pressure on femur
- **Positive sign is CLUNK when femoral head exits acetabulum
Ortolani’s maneuver
- ABduct the thigh
- Use fingers as a LEVER to push femoral head into trochanter
- ***If there is a CLUNK suspect hip dislocation
What are the risk factors for displasia of the hip?
- Female
- First born
- Breech
What is the difference between the Barlow’s Maneuver and the Ortolani’s Maneuver?
Levering up in Ortolani’s
What is the Allis sign?
Flex the knees of the newborn and determine if the knee’s are at the same level
What is the treatment for DDH?
1) Soft positioning device, called a Pavlik harness
2) Possible splint/ cast
3) Surgery
What is talipes equinovarus?
*Note that this is a FIXED deformity, you can’t move the feet back to neutral
What is metatarsus adductus?
- Turning in of the midfoot
- Maxes a c-shape
- Midfoot
*Note that this is a FIXED deformity, you can’t move the feet back to neutral
What are the three major primitive reflexes that you should do with every baby?
1) Suck
2) Plantar & palmar grasp reflexes
3) Moro
What is the suck reflex?
Baby should be sucking–examine with your finger (put in baby’s mouth) or by report i.e. observe feeding or report of good feeding
What are the plantar and palmar grasp reflexes?
- Place your finger in the babies hand, it should grab
- Normal for 4-6 months
- Should happen equally on both sides
What is the moro reflex?
Place baby on his or her back & release arms–should grab at the air
Generally, how are cranial nerves evaluated in infants?
What physical skills are expected of the toddler?
- Walks alone
- Pulls toys behind when walking
- Begins to run
- Stands on tiptoe
- Kicks a ball
How old is a “toddler?”
1-3 years
What is the general progression of development?
Cephalocaudal i.e. from the head down
- Motor control of the head an neck happens before control of the trunk
What is Gower’s sign?
This describes a patient that has to use his hands and arms to “walk” up his own body from a squatting position due to lack of hip and thigh muscle strength.
What is Gower’s sign indicative of?
DMD i.e. Duchenne’s Muscular Dystrophy