Exam #4: Female Genitalia Flashcards
What is the definition of menarche?
First menstruation & initiation of cyclic menstrual function
What is the definition of menopause?
Absence of menses for 12 consecutive months
*Usually occurs between 48 & 55 years
What is the definition of postmenopausal bleeding?
Bleeding occurring 6 months or more after the cessation of menses
What is the definition of amenorrhea?
Absence of menses
What is the definition of dysmenorrhea?
Painful or difficult menstruation
What is the definition of premenstrual syndrome?
A cluster of emotional, behavioral, & physical symptoms occurring 5 days before menses for 3 consecutive cycles
What is the definition of abnormal uterine bleeding?
Bleeding between menses; includes infrequent, excessive, prolonged, or postmenopausal bleeding
When does menarche usually occur?
Between 9-16
*Note that it can take a full year to become regulated
What are the current guidelines for initiating PAP smears/ HPV screening?
Begins at 21, PERIOD i.e. regardless of behavior
What are the current PAP smear guidelines for 21-29 year olds?
Cytology only Q3 years WITHOUT HPV testing
What are the current PAP smear guidelines for 30-65 year olds?
Co-testing i.e. cytology & HPV testing is preferred Q5 years
*Cytology alone Q3 years is acceptable, but not the preferred practice
Is HPV testing alone recommended?
What are the screening recommendations for those >65?
Depends on previous results
- Past 5 years negative= no further testing
- No screening if hysterectomy with cervix removed & no history of CIN2 or higher
*If there was a history of a high-grade lesion when the patient was under 65, screening continues
When do the general screening guidelines NOT apply?
1) HIV infection
2) Immunosuppression
3) Exposure to diethylstilbestrol (DES) in utero
4) History of cervical cancer
Describe the location of Bartholin’s Glands.
Bartholin’s glands are two pea sized glands located slightly posterior and to the left and right of the opening of the vagina