Exam 4 - Transcription, Translation, Cell Division Flashcards
What are nucleic acids?
Long-chain polymers made up of nucleotide monomers (building blocks)
What is a gene?
A specific segment of DNA. Holds the instructions to build a protien.
True of false? DNA can leave a nucleus
DNA is too big to. leave a nucleus. mRNA is small enough to leave though
What does rRNA do?
Fixed by Mr. B
Makes up the actual ribosome
rRNA= ribosome RNA
Describe Transcription
Fixed by Mr./ B
Process of protein synthesis where RNA polymerase carefully copies the DNA’s code into mRNA, which travels out of the nucleus to deliver its message to ribosome
What does tRNA do?
Fixed by Mr. B
C 4.1 -3
It brings amino acids to the ribosome and matches its anticodon to mRNA’s codons
Describe Translation
Fixed by Mr. B
Ribosome builds proteins, one amino acid at a time with tRNA, in the cytoplasm by reading off of a “working copy” (mRNA)
What is the RNA polymerase’s job?
unzip the DNA and carefully copy the DNA’s code into mRNA
What does each letter stand for in DNA?
Fixed by Mr. B
Deoxribonucleic Acid
DNA is missing the oxygen on its ribose sugar
Deoxyribose is a sugar. So is a Ribose but that is found in RNA with an oxygen on it
What is mRNA?
mRNA is the working copy of the DNA strand that gets sent to ribosomes to make proteins.
Stands for messenger RNA
What base pairs go together?
Fixed by Mr. B
A and T go together (DNA)
G and C go together (DNA)
A and U together in RNA
remember the band ACDC (but that is not the exact answer) :)
What is DNA?
A double-helix structure that stores genetic instructions/code.
spiral staircase with boxes
Name the bases found in DNA
Cytosine, Thymine, Adenine and Guanine
Uracil (U) is only found in RNA and replaces Thymine. A - U (RNA), A - T (DNA)
What does transfer RNA do?
Fixed by Mr. B
F 4.1-3
It carries amino acids to the ribosome and uses its anticodon side to match with the mRNA’s codon
tRNA = Transfer RNA
What are some key differences between DNA and RNA?
Excellent Card - Mr. B
- DNA is double-stranded; RNA is single-stranded
- DNA is DE-OXY, so it is missing one oxygen
- while DNA conatins A, T, G, and C, RNA contians U instead of T
What does trna stand for?
transfer RNA
What are every 3 bases in mRNA called?
Codon, codes for 1 amino acid.
Which bases are found in RNA strands
Cytosine, Uracil, Guanine and Adenine
RNA is missing Thymine! Only DNA has Thymine
What is a monomer?
Building blocks
what types of RNA are used during Translation
Fixed by Mr. B
mRNA (transcript that ribosome reads from)
rRNA (actual structure of ribosome)
tRNA (carries amino acids over and matches anticodon to mRNA’s codon)
what are protiens made of?
F 4.1-3
Amino acids
What happens during the G1 Phase?
The cell grows, carries out normal functions, and prepares to replicate DNA
A 4.2-1
What is the 1st phase of the cell cycle?
G1 Phase
A 4.2-1
What happens during the S Phase?
DNA is replicated
A 4.2-1
What is Mitosis?
The creation of 2 identical, somatic, dipolid daughter cells.
what is nonsense mutation?
change in dna sequence that changes the amino acid coding codon into a STOP
this is bad remember nonsense = NO or STOP
This cuts the protein short
What is the spindal like structure that attach to the chromosomes and splits them apart?
Cytoskeleton fibers
They are like little puppet strings!
What happens during telophase?
Fixed by Mr. B
2 new nucluei form, each with a complete set of chromosomes.
Cytoskeleton spindle fibers begn to degrade back to normal
The chromosomes start to unwind back into chromatin
The 2 cells begin to seperate, although not completely until cytokineses
what is an insertion or deletions of dna bases that alter the reading of the mRNA transcript
frameshift mutation
What is the Cell Cycle?
The cell cycle encompasses the life of a cell from formation of a division into two daughter cells.
What is a Silent mutation
Change is a DNA seqence that does not change the amino acid.
Remeber there are multiple codons can be for the same amino acids
Which phase in mitosis occurs when the chromosomes are lined up at the center of the cell?
What is Prophase?
When the nucleus disapears and the chromatins start coiling up to form a chromosone
They form sister chromatins with an exact copy of themselves, which forms the x shape.
Then the cytoskeleton fibers attach to the centromere of the chromosone.
The first step in Mitosis
E:18 4.2-4
what is the definition of a missense mutation
change in DNA sequence that results in substitution of one amino acid for another in the protein
What trait does the 23rd chromosome determine?
Your gender/sex
XX = Female, XY = Male
In what phase of the cell cycle does a cell divide
Mitosis and cytokinesis
What is DNA replication?
Fixed by Mr. B
Basically transcription, but uses DNA polymerase to create 2 copies of DNA template through base pairing.
Happens during S Phase of Interphase.
Preparing for future division of the cell
what is the order of the phases of mitosis?
D 4.2 - 4
Prophase, Metaphase, Anaphase, Telophase
What is a homologous chromosomes?
chromosomes that are identical in length and gene postion, one from mom,one from dad
For example, Chromosome 15.
What kind of cells are created through mitosis?
2 identical, somatic, and diploid daughter cells
- diploid cells have 2 copies of each chromsome (2n)
What is a cell with two copies of each chromosome?
What is a gene locus?
F 4.2-3
Specific, fixed position of a specific gene/ trait on a species’ chromosome
What is a sister chromatid?
A sister chromitid is an identical copies of a single chromosme.
Formed during prophase; they connect to eachother to form the “X” shape!
What kinds of
cells do mitosis?
somatic cells (bodily cells),skin cells,regeneration or starfish of planarians, plant growth, and roots
Why is Anaphase important? (What does it do?)
Anaphase is when the sister chromitids separate from the X-shape into opposite sides of the cell. This will allow the new future daughter cells to have identicle copies of chromosomes!
What is an Allele
Variant form of a gene
blue eye color vs. green eye color; purple vs pink flowers, etc.
What is the start and end product of Meiosis ll?
Two haploid cells that then turn into four gamete haploid cells after cytokinesis
What happens during Prophase II ?
- Sister chromatids condense
- A new spindle begins to form
- The nuclear envelope starts to fragment
What happens in Anaphase ll?
Sister chromatins are pulled apart by the shortening of the kinetochore mocrotubes. Non kinetochore microtibes lengthen the cell.
What are some differences between diploid cells and haploid cells?
E-15 4.3
- Diploid has 2 sets of chromosones
- Haploid has 1 set of chromosones
- Diploids are Somatic cells
- Haploids are Gamete cells
- Diploid is formed by Mitosis
- Haploid is formed by Meiosis
- Diploid cells are made of homologous pairs
What is Sexual Reproduction/Fertilization?
A 4.3-1
When male and female gametes (haploid, “n”, sperm and egg cells) fuse to form a zygote
How is a zygote formed
It is formed when two haploid cells (gametes) come together to form one diploid cell
gametes are sperm and egg cells
What is asexual reproduction?
When an organism reproduces a genetically identical copy of itself without the involvement of another individual of the same species.(Makes an exact copy of itself).
What is it called when sister chromatids line up at the metaphase plate.
What is the end result of Meiosis 1?
2 different haploid cells
what happens during crossing over in meiosis 1
the homologous chromosomes are swapping allele’s
What is Meiosis?
( similar, but different from mitosis) is how haploid gametes are produced.
what happens in metaphase two?
Sister chromatids line up at the metaphase plate.
F 4.3-3
what is the end phase of meiosis 1
Telophase and cytokinesis
in which phase in meiosis do the chromosomes cross over
prophase 1
What is the way we remember the phases of Mitosis and Meiosis and what do the letters stand for?
IPMATC (interphase, prophase, metaphase, anaphase, telophase, and cytokinesis)
What is the result of Meiosis II?
4 genetically different, haploid, gamete cells.
Is the specific sperm and egg that fuse together random?
True or false
homolgous chromosomes randomly assemble at what phase in meiosis
metaphase 1
In what phase of meiosis does crossing over occur?
Prophase one