Exam 4- Female Reproductive Physiology II Flashcards
what is the GnRH release from the tonic center like?
low amplitude
increased frequency during follicular phase
what is the GnRH release from the surge center like? what are the results?
high amplitude and high frequency
results in luteinizing hormone surge- ovulation
which follicle ovulates?
only growing dominant one
what can exogenous follicle stimulating hormone be used for?
what does inhibin released from the growing follicles do?
negative feedback on follicle stimulating hormone from pituitary
what are the large selecting and dominant follicles dependent on?
become dependent on luteinizing hormone, not follicle stimulating hormone
what is luteinizing hormone regulated by?
pulses of GnRH
negative feedback via progesterone
what do growing follicles release that regulate follicle stimulating hormone?
can follicular wave formation occur outside of the estrous cycle? can ovulation?
when can follicular wave formation occur outside of the estrous cycle?
prior to puberty
during pregnancy
during anestrus
puerperium (just after delivery)
is diapedesis- proestrus in dogs- menstrual bleeding?
what is the bleeding of dogs in proestrus related to?
diapedesis of red blood cells from capillaries/venules of uterine endometrium/vaginal mucosa under influence of estradiol 17beta
what does luteinizing hormone stimulate theca cells to produce?
what does follicle stimulating hormone stimulate granulosa cells to produce? what does it do?
converts testosterone to estrogen
what does estrogen do to the reproductive tract?
increases blood flow- hyperemia
genital swelling/repro tract edema
electrical conductivity changes
increased mucosal secretion
uterine gland growth
elevated myometrial tone
what is leucocytosis?
increased white blood cells in submucosa
what hormone levels is estrous behavior related to in most mammalian species?
fall in progesterone and rise in estrogen
when does estrous behavior occur in the female?
only during estrus
what is lordosis?
a receptive female “standing” for the male
what “masculinizes” the brain?
estradiol: testosterone converted to by aromatase
where do the sensory impulses in induced ovulators go?
hypothalamus surge center
what does human chorionic gonadotropin do?
acts like luteinizing hormone
attaches to luteinizing hormone receptors
what is the path of impulses in induced ovulators when they are mated?
sensory impulses to spinal cord
hypothalamus surge center
what is secreted in induced ovulators if a large enough stimulus is received?
a lot GnRH secreted
leads to LH surge/spike
leads to ovulation
what induces GnRH to be released in high amplitude and frequency from the surge center?
high estrogen and low progesterone