exam 2 - unit 6 - ch 21 Flashcards
what was the progressive era in its first decade
the grassroots effort that ushered in reforms at state and local levels
what were some challenges on the late 19th century
growing cities that were ill-equipped to house working poor, americans struggling to keep farms afloat, hands-off politicians shackled into impotence by their system of political favors
what were yellow journalists interested in
only in sensationalized articles designed to sell newspapers
what did muckrakers do
exposed problems in american society and urged the public to identify solutions
what were some topics muckrakers shined a light on
corrupt machine politics, poor working conditions in factories, questionable living conditions
who wrote how the other half lives in 1890
jacob riis
jacob riis used photojournalism to capture what in nYC
dismal and dangerous living conditions in working class tenements
progressives agreed that democracy had to be balanced with an emphasis on ____, a reliance on _____ and _________ and a deference to the _____ of ________
science and technology
expertise of professionals
progressives repudiated ____ _____ but looked to the ___ to regulate the ____ _____ _____
party politics
modern market economy
progessives saw themselves as
agents of social justice and reform as well as the stewards and guides of workers and urban poor
what tied together the disparate causes and groups
the belief that the country was in dire need of reform
progressives beleived that the answers would be found within…
the activism and expertise of predominantly middle-class americans on behalf of troubled communities
who pushed for federal registration
national child labor comittee
what levels did most progressive initiatives take place
state and local levels
progressives sought to what
harness public support to place pressure on politicians
progressives and middle-class americans feared who
socialist party of america and the industrial workers of the world
what did the industrial workers of the world and the socialist party of american emphasize
workers’ empowerment and direct action
a proposed law, or initiative, placed on the ballot by public petition
a process that allows voters to counteract legislation by putting an existing law on the ballot for voters to either affirm or reject
to remove a public official from office by virtue of a petition and vote process
who supported numerous progressive ideas while governer
“fighting bob”
what were some things fighting bob did
signed into law the first workmans compensation system, approved a minimum wage law, developed a progressive tax law, adopted the direct election of US senators before the subsequent constitutional amendment made it mandatory, and advocated for womens sufferage
taylor sought to place workers in the most efficient positions of the industrial process through…
time-motion studies and the principles of standardization
taylor argued that _____ should determine the work routine. why?
it would leave workers to simply execute the task at hand
in 1900, the us census indicated that ___ out of every ___ children between the ages of ____ and __ were working.
one out of six
the child labor saw a __% increase over the previous decade in 1900
what happened at the friangle shirtwaist factory in 1911
a fire broke out at the TSC on the 8th floor of the Asch building in NYC. many workers (mostly women) could not escape because management had previously blockaded doors and fire escapes to control workers.
how did most people in the fire die
being crushed by people trying to evacuate, burned alive, fire escape, or jumped to death
how many people died in the fire
146 garment workers
the fire provided the _____ _____ ____ with the argument to convince politicians to pass _____ _____ ____ and codes
national consumers league
workplace safety laws and codes
what did the WCTU and the anti-saloon league do
moved the efforts to eliminate the sale of alcohol from a bar-to-bar public opinion campaign to one of city-to-city and state-by-state votes
through what did the anti saloon league succeed in the nation going dry
local opinion votes and subsequent statewide initiatives and referendums
the anti saloon league urged ___% of the nation’s counties to go dry by ____
how many more states went dry by 1909
a full dozen states
when was the 18th amendment ratified
what did the 18th amendment do
prohibited the manufacture, sale, and transportation of alcoholic beverages
who ran for pres as the SPA candidate
eugene debs
how many times did debs earn nearly one million votes
how many times did debs run for pres between 1900 and 1920
five times
by 1912, the ______ had played a significant role in a number of major strikes
what strikes did the wobblies play a role in
the paterson silk strike, lawrence textile strike, mesabi range iron strike
what did the gov view the wobblies as
a significant threat
what did the gov do to the wobblies that was far greater than their actions warranted
targeted them with arrests, tar-and-featherings, shootings, and lynchings
what created an environment within which the movements for womens and aa rights grew and flourished
the progressive commitment to promoting democracy and social justice
who were some leaders who spread the cause for woman sufferage
elizabeth cady stanton, susan b anthony, carrie chapman catt, alice paul
what else did the leaders of womans suffrage do
drew in other activists and made the case for constitutional amendment ensuring a women’s right to vote
what were jim crow laws
laws that separated whites and blacks
who became an influential aa leader at the outset of the progressive era
booker t washington
was booker t washington born into slavery
in 1881, btw became the first ______ for the tuskegee normal and industrial insitute in alabama
what year did btw die
what type of school did btw teach at
an all black “normal school”, which is an old term for a teachers’ college
what did they teach at the all black normal school
teaching aa a curriculum geared towards practical skills such as cooking, farming, and housekeeping
graduates would often travel thorough the _____ teaching what
south teaching new farming and industrial techniques to rural communities
what did washington propose in a speech delivered at the cotton states and international exposition in atlanta
what became known as the atlanta compromise
what was btw speech supposed to do
promote the economy of a new south
what did washington urge aa to do
work for their own uplift rather than preoccupy themselves with political and civil rights
did whites like what washington was urging blacks to do
what two wealthy industrialists funded many of washingtons self-help programs
carnegie and rockefeller and julius rosenwald, sears and roebuck and co co-founder
who was the first aa to be invited to the white house by pres roosevelt in 1901
booker t washington
what was the atlanta compromise
btw speech, at the atlanta exposition in 1895, where he urged aa to work hard and get along with others in their white communities, so as to earn the goodwill of the country
who was a professor at the all black atlanta uni and the first aa with a doctorate from harvard
w.e.b. du bois
du bois emerged as the prominent spokesperson for what would later be dubbed the _____ _____
niagra movement
what did du bois wish to do
carve a more direct path towards equality that drew on the political leadership and litigration skills of the black, educated elite
what did du bois deem the talented tenth
the black, educated elite
the niagra movement laid the groundwork for the creation of what
national association for advancement of colored people NNAACP, founded in 1909
du bois served as the _____ _____ of _____ for the NNACP from the beginning until 1933
influential director of publications
what was the name of the journal du bois was the editor of
the crisis
du bois used his journal as a way to express his views on..
a variety of issues facing aas in the later progressive era, as well as ww1 and aftermath
rossevelt displayed his comfrontation of _____ _____ and the willingness to side with workers in ____ _____ ____ as well as his commitment to the preservation of ____ ______
big businesses
capital labor disputes
federal lands
_____ _____ became pres only by historical accident
theodore rooselvelt
who pushed antitrust ruling and expanded federal oversight of interstate commerce
william taft
who won the preidency in 1912 and why
woodrow wilson, rossevelts 3rd party challenge as a progressive split the republican vote
who sought to limit the power of big businesses and stabilize the economy and ushered in a wave of progressive legislation that progressives longed for
woodrow wilson
what shunted the progressive goals of democracy, efficiency, regulation, and social justice to the back burner
what were the nations new priorities during ww1
national security and making the world safe for democracy
what was roosevelts nickname
the trustbuster
did roosevelt consider all trusts dangerous to the public welfare
no, he did not
roosevelt reasoned that the good trusts used their power in the marketplace and economies of scale to what
deliver goods and services to customers more cheaply
what was an example of a good trust
roosevelt allowing Morgans US steel corporation to continue its operations and let it take over smaller steel companies
roosevelt used his presidency as a “______ ______” to publicly denounce “______ _____” before he ordered prosecutions by the justice department
bully pulpit
bad trusts
what were bad trusts
corporations that exploited their market positions for short-term gains
how many sucessful anti-trust suits did rossevelt initiate
over 2 dozen, more than any pres before him
what did roosevelt read in his second term
the jungle
who wrote the jungle and what was it about
muckraker upton sinclair’s 1906 novel and expose on the meatpacking industry
what did roosevelt do to protect public health
he passed two laws, the meat inspection act of 1906 and the pure food and drug act of 1906
what did the meat inspection act of 1906 do
established a system of gov inspection for meat products, including grading the meat based on quality. this standard was also used for imported meats
what did the pure food and drug act of 1906 do
it required labels on all food and drug products that stated the materials in the product. the law also prohibited any “adulterated” products, a measure aimed at some specific, unhealthy food preservatives
what was another key element of roosevelts progressivism
the protection of public land
who was the country’s first chief of the newly created US forestry service
gifford pinchot
what did the department do under pinchots supervision
carved out several nature habitats on federal land in order to preserve the nations enviormental beauty and protect it from development of commercial use
what do the 150 national forests created under roosevelts stewardship signs say
land of many uses
how many national monuments, bird preserves, national parks, and national forests were created under roosevelts supervision
18 monuments
51 federal bird preserves
5 national parks
over 150 national forests
how many million acres of public land was from all of the stuff rosevelt did
230 M
who was previously gov of the philippines, had a distinguished judicial career, and served as roosevelts secretary of war from 1904-1908
william taft
who left taft little room to maneuver
republican leaders, bc they were anxious to reestablish tighter control over the party
what did taft sign that extended the authority of the interstate commerce commission over telephones and telegraphs, and let him stay the course of his predecessor
the MannElkins act of 1910
what else did congress propose during his tenure
constitutional amendments to authorize a federal income tax and mandate the direct election of US senators
did taft initiate twice as many antitrust suits against big businesses as roosevelt
what did taft lack
the political negotiating skills and focus on the public good of his predecesor
why did roosevelt feel betrayed by taft
bc taft took jp morgans us steel corporation to court over an acquisition that roosevelt promised morgan would not result in an prosecution
who won the 1912 election with over 6 mil votes
how many votes went to roosevelt and how many to taft
4 mil to roosevelt and 3 1/3 mil for taft
internal split among republicans not only cost them the white house but…
the senate, democrats had already won a house majority in 1910
wilson won the presidency with just a __% of the popular vote
since he only won with 42%, wilson would have to
sway a large number of voters should be have any aspirations for a second term
what was the progessive party
a political party for those who were unhappy with taft and wanted roosevelt to run for a nonconsecutive 3rd term in 1912
who started the progressive party
roosevelt and other progressive republicans
in 1913, wilson signed the federal reserve act to…
regulate the banking industry and establish a federal banking system
what was the federal reserve act designed to do
remove power over interest rates from the hands of private bankers
what did the federal reserve act do
created 12 privately owned regional reserve banks regulated by a presidentially appointed federal reserve board
what did the board( fed) do
regulated the interest rate at which reserve banks loaned or distributed money to other banks around the country
when economic times were challenging, the recession , the fed could lower this “_____ ____” and encourage more borrowing
discount rate
what put more currency in circulation for people to spend o invest
the fed encouraging more borrowing
what system is still the basis for the country’s modern banking model
the fed can curb inflationary trends with interest hikes that discourage borrowing