Exam 2 - Study Material (Quiz 4) Flashcards
What is measurement error?
The difference between the actual value of a quantity and the value obtained by a measurement
What is error variance?
The extent to which the variance in test scores is attributable to error rather than a true measure of the behaviors.
What is an observed test score?
Derived from a set of items actually consists of the true score plus error.
What are the 2 types of errors with instruments?
- Subject factors- calm versus anxious
- Instrument factors- misplaced cuff (occurs if an instrument is 99% accurate, 1% of the time it is inaccurate
- Subject factors- social desirability
- Instrument factors- not calibrated correctly
What is reliability?
- Degree of consistency with which and instrument measures an attribute (concept)
- Precision, accuracy, stability, equivalence and homogeneity over repeated measures
What is a reliability coefficient?
- Ranges from 0 to 1
- The higher the error, the lower the coefficient
- Must have a coefficient of at least .70
What are the 3 measures of reliability for an instrument?
1. Stability
- Test-retest
- Parallel or alternate form
2. Homogeneity
- Item-total
- Split-half
- KR-20
- Cronbach’s alpha
3. Equivalence
- Parallel or alternate form
- Interrater reliability
What is stability and what does it measure?
- Same results are obtained with repeated measures over a period of time
- Measure concept consistently over a period of time
- Test-retest reliability
- Example - Test-interval was 2 weeks and r = .77
Parallel or alternate form
- 2 forms of same test- Partner Relationship Inventory: “I am able to tell my partner how I feel” vs “My partner tries to understand how I feel”
What is test-rerest reliability?
Administration of the same instrument twice to the same subjects under the same conditions within a prescribed time interval, with a comparison of the paired scores to determine the stability of the measure.
What is homogenity?
- Is the instrument measuring under similar conditions
- Internally consistent- measures the same attribute (concept)
- Item to total: relationship between each item and total scale
- Split- half: two halves
- Kuder-Richardson: dichotomous response format -“Yes/No”, or “true/false”
- Cronbach alpha: every possible split half -Likert scale
What is split-half reliability?
An index of the comparison between the scores on one half of a test with those on the other half to determine the consistency in response to items that reflect specific content
What is a kuder-richardson?
It is an estimate of the homogeneity used for instruments that have a ditchotomous response format
What is a cronbach’s alpha?
Test of internal consistency that simultaneously compares each item in a scale to all others.
What is equivalence?
Degree to which different investigators with the same instrument obtain the same results
- Parallel or alternate forms
- Interrater reliability: Observation consistent expressed as Kappa from +1 to 0. .80 and .68 acceptable
What is interrator reliability?
The consistency of observations between two or more observers; often expressed as a percentage of agreement between raters or observers or a coefficient of agreement that takes into account the element of chance. This usually is used with the direct observation method.
What is kappa?
Expresses the level of agreement observed beyond the level that would be expected by chance alone. Kappa (K) ranges from +1 (total agreement) to 0 (no agreement). K greater than .80 generally indicates good reliability. K between .68 and .80 is considered acceptable/substantial agreement. Levels lower than .68 may allow tentative conclusions to be drawn when lower levels are accepted.
What is validity?
- Degree to which an instrument measures what it is supposed to measure
- If a tool is not reliable, it cannot be valid.
- Are investigators measuring what they think they are measuring
What are the 3 types of validity?
- Content
2. Criterion-related
- Concurrent
- Predictive
- Construct
* Six types
What is content validity?
- The degree to which the content of the measure represents the universe of content, or the domain of a given behavior.
- Ability of instrument to adequately represent the domain of the concept being tested.
What is content validity index?
A calculation of the agreement among panel of experts that tested the abiltiy of the instrument, values range from .70-.80 to 1.0
What is criterion-rlated validity?
It is the extent to which an instrument corresponds to some other observation (the criterion) that accurately measures the concept or phenomenon of interest
What are the 2 types of criterion related validity?
- Concurrent
- Predicitve
What is Concurrent validity?
The degree of correlation of two measures (or tests) of the same concept that are administered at the same time.
One old test vs a new test
What is predicitve validity?
The degree of correlation between the measure of the concept and some future measure of the same concept.
Test that predicts a future concept
What is construct validity?
It is the extent to which a test measures a theoretical construct or trait (or concept). Validates underlying theory of measurement.
- Hypothesis-testing
- Convergent, divergent and multitrait-multimethod approaches
- Contrasted groups-Known groups
- Factor analytic approach