Exam #2 study guide pt. 1 Flashcards
What is the difference between routine and ritual?
Routine- A course of action which is regularly followed; something designed to bring order and comfort
Ritual: A prescribed behavior in which there is no empirical connection between the means and the desired end
What is a myth?
A story that recounts how various aspects of the world came to be the way they are.
_____ make life meaningful for those who accept them.
The truth of _____ seems self-evident, because they integrate personal experience with a wider set of assumptions about how the world works.
The truth of myths seems self-evident, because they integrate ________ __________ with a wider set of ___________ about how the world works.
personal experience
The truth of myths seems _____-________, because they integrate personal experience with a wider set of assumptions about how the world works.
A _____ ___ _________ is a ritual that serves to mark the movement and transformation of an individual from one social position to another
rite of passage
What are the three phases of a rite of passage?
(1) separation
(2) transition(liminality)
(3) reaggregation
A __________ is an encompassing picture of reality created by the members of a society.
What is religious syncretism?
the synthesis of old religious practices (or an old way of life) with new religious practices (or a new way of life) introduced from outside, often by force
What are some examples of religious syncretism?
(1) Day of the dead
(2) the celtic cross
_________ is a worldview that justified the social arrangements under which people live.
____________ is the separation of religion and state, including a notion of secular citizenship that owes much to the notion of individual agency developed in Protestant theology.
What is meant by human biological variation?
real biological differences (genetics, epigenetics, environmentally mediated phenotypic differences) between individuals
What is the difference between race and ethnicity?
Race- Human population categories whose boundaries allegedly correspond to a distinct set of biological attributes
Ethnicity- A principle of social classification used to create groups based on selected cultural features such as language, religion, or dress
What assumptions are built into the race concept?
(1) Race is biological (genetic)
(2) It relates to innate physical, mental, social
(3) Any two people within a particular race are more alike (in all of the above ways) than any two people in different races
(4) A race is a natural, discrete, bounded population
Race and racial categories are _______ ___________.
social constructs
______ _________- A jointly developed understanding of the world that forms the basis for a shared assumption about reality; human beings rationalize their experience by creating models of the social world, and share and reify these models through language
Social constructs
What is the Age of Exploration?
- Roughly from the 15th to the 18th centuries
- Spawned by the spice trade, the beginnings of Trans- Atlantic slavery, the conquest of the Americas
- Saw European colonization or economic influence in greater and greater parts of the world
What is the Age of Enlightenment?
- 17th and 18th centuries
- Shift to science as valid and favored epistemology
- “Natural History,” categorization of living things, etc
____-_________ is often used to justify the social order
Neo-Darwinism is often used to justify the ______ ______
social order
Who said “survival of the fittest”?
Herbert Spencer
____-_________ fed into eugenics
Neo-Darwinism fed into _________
The trans-Atlantic slave trade existed from roughly the ___th to the ___th centuries
The trans Atlantic slave trade was what type of slavery?
Chattel slavery
What is chattel slavery?
slavery in which individuals are treated like property, and often like commodities that can be bought and sold
True or False: Chattel slavery is the most common type of slavery
False; “chattel slavery” was not typically a common form