Exam 2 Part 1 Spinal Cord Flashcards
Superior boundary of the spinal cord
Foramen magnum
Inferior boundary of the spinal cord
The disc b/t vertebrae levels L1-2 (cauda equina is found here)
How many spinal nerve roots are there
31 on each side
Each nerve will have a _____ & _____ roots, w/in the vertebral canal.
Dorsal & ventral
The Bell-Megendi law states:
Dorsal roots contain sensory (afferent) fibers & ventral roots are motor (efferent) fibers. (we now know a few afferent fibers come through on the ventral root
Cervical nerves C1- C8 are named for the bone ______
ex. C4 exits IVF b/t C3 & C4 vertebrae
Thoracic nerves T1- T12 vertebrae are named for the bone _____
Ex. T6 exits b/t T6 & T7
Lumbar nerves L1-L5 Named for bone ____
EX. L1 exits b/t L1 & L2
Sacral nerves S1 - S4 exit
The dorsal & ventral sacral foramina
S5 exits:
@ the sacral hiatus
Coccygeal nerve Co1 exits:
Sacral hiatus (could be missing)
T/F During the first 3 months of embryonic development the cord and the vertebral column are approx. the same length?
During the rest of gestation the vertebral column lengthens more rapidly than the cord. At birth the Co1 CORD level is typically @ the same level as the ______ vertebra
By adulthood the Co1 level is found @ the ______ vertebral level.
Tapering of the spinal cord is called the:
Cauda medullaris
The roots for the lumbar, sacral & coccygeal nerves will run for an extended distance, below the cord making up the
Cauda equina
Cranially the central canal is continuous with the
M.O and the 4th ventricle
Inferiorly the central canal expands in the conus medullaris as a:
Terminal ventricle
Terminal ventricle is found:
Inside the cord
Lumbar cistern is:
Both filled w/ CSF and outside the cord