Exam 1 part 2 Flashcards
- double layers of sickle-shaped meningeal dura extending into a few brain fissures
- “compartmentalize” vault and brain
- support & protect from sloshing
dural falces
frontal falx located in the great longitudinal cerebral fissure bt the two hemispheres
-extends from Crista Galli to internal occipital protuberance
falx cerebri
- lower falx that dips bt the cerebellar hemispheres in the posterior cerebellar notch
- fixed at the internal occipital crest
falx cerebelli
- tent like side (R/L) falces over the cerebellum and under the occipital lobes of the cerebrum
- located in the transverse/horizonal cerebral fissue
tentorium cerebelli
- opening left bt the R & L tentorial wings, brain stem comes up through this opening
- brain structures can be supratentorial v infratentorial; for surgery
tentorial hiatus
dura that forms a “roof” over the pituitary fossa
-perforated in the middle by the infundibular stalk (to the pituitary)
diaphragma sellae
diaphragma sellae
dural cephalgia
- transparent, non-vascular membrane
- only dips into fissures or sulci when dura does
arachnoid mater
thin membrane formed by arachnoid + pia maters
apparent dural tumor that actually starts in the arachnoid membrane but quickly attaches to the dura
a potential space between the arachnoid and dura mater; should not have anything in it
subdural space
a real space between the arachnoid and pia maters that is filled with CSF
subarachnoid space
“holding tank” where subarachnoid space is particularly deep
subarachnoid cisternae
- largest extracranial cistern
- fills lumbar cul-de-sac
- location of a spinal tap
lumbar cistern
- largest cranial cistern, aka cisterna magna
- 4th ventricle opens into it via the median foramen
cerebellomedullary cistern
- cistern w/ important BVs, veins & arteries
- pineal gland, and midbrain collicular bodies here
cistern of the great cerebral vein
- cistern anterior to pons
- lateral foramina enter laterally from the 4th ventrical
pontine cistern
much of the cerebral arterial circle of willis vascularization is in this cistern
interpeduncular cistern
tufted prolongation of arachnoid mater that herniate into the dura mater
-allow used CSF to be removed from the subarachnoid space & carried out cranial vault via DVS’s
arachnoid villi
- innermost meninx, “tender mother”
- dips into ALL fissues, sulci, folia of brain AND cord
- along with arachnoid mater is part of leptomeninx
pia mater
-cells & collagen bundles continuous w/ arachnoid trabeculae, is continuous w/ BVs to/from CNS
outer pia
structure in the vertebral canal that is formed by pia that penetrates the arachnoid & fuse w/ the dura
denticulate ligaments
-strand of fibrous tissue formed primarily by the outer pia, proceeds down from the apex of the conus medullaris
filum terminale internum
- layer of pia w/ fine reticular & elastic fiber that is adherent to the CNS tissue w/i
- melanophores can be abundant here->melanoma
deeper pia