Exam 1 Part 1 Spinal Cord Flashcards
Inferior boundary (adult) of the spinal cord
The disc b/t vertebral levels L1-2 (cauda equina found here)
How many spinal nerve pairs are there?
Each nerve will have _____ & _____ roots w/in the vertebral canal.
Dorsal & ventral roots
States that dorsal roots contain sensory (afferent) fibers & ventral roots are motor (efferent) fibers. We now know a few afferent fibers come through the ventral root but the general idea is still vaild
The Bell- Magendi Law
Cervical nerves are named for the bone______it
Below it
Ex. C4 exits at IVF b/t C3 & C4 vertebrae
Thoracic nerve is named for the bone _____it.
Above it
Ex. T1 exits at IVF b/t T1 & L2 vertebrae
Superior boundary for the Spinal cord
Foramen Magnum