Exam 2 - Domestic Abuse Flashcards
What is the legal definition of domestic violence?
Domestic violence that involves coercion through intimidation, threats, and harmful or harassing behavior
What is the legal definition of Intimate Partner Violence (IPV)?
Domestic violence that involves aggression between persons who are in a close relationship.
What are the four primary types of IPV?
- Physical Violence
- Sexual Violence
- Stalking
- Psychological Aggression
What is learned helplessness?
When an individual believes they are unable to control or change a situation, and thus stop trying to.
Results from the development of a “survival strategy” for battered partners, who tend to limit themselves to acting in “safe ways.”
Women account for approximately __% of the victims of IPV.
IPV occurs disproportionally among women between what ages?
18 and 24
One in ___ people over the age of sixty are victims of elder abuse.
Same-sex or transgender co-habitants are ____ likely to experience IPV
What percent of individuals are victimized by their same-sex partner at least once in their lifetime?
35.4% of women
21.5% of men
Who accounts for the highest victimization rate of IPV?
Bisexual women.
What is the prevalence of IPV?
It has declined over the past several decades
What is the domestic violence variation in relation to race?
More likely to be a victim if:
- Women of color
- Native American/Alaskan
What is the economic consequence of IPV?
$8.3b per year.
Approximately ___ of American women have been the victim of IPV.
What are the psychological consequences of domestic violence for victims?
- Victims of IPV are prone to significant psychological distress and elevated behavioral health risks
- More prone to anxiety, depression, antisocial and suicidal behavior in women
- Substance abuse
- Suicide attempts
- Risky sexual behavior