Exam 2 - Chapter 8 Kines Book Flashcards
The body structures that provide motion at the elbow and the forearm. Includes the humeroulnar joint and the humeroradial joint. Its primary role is positioning and stabilizing the hand.
Elbow complex
Where is the proximal radioulnar joint located?
the forearm
These are seen in individuals who perform tasks that are repetitive and resistive. Signs and symptoms: pain, fatigue, tingling, numbness, and decreased function.
Repetitive Stress Injuries (aka repetitive motion injuries or cumulative trauma disorders).
Repetitive Stress Injuries.
The angle formed by the long axis of the humerus and forearm.
carrying angle
Name the elbow flexors (there are four)
biceps brachii, brachialis, brachioradialis, and pronator teres
Name the elbow extensors (there are two and they are attached to the ulna)
triceps and anconeus
Muscles that work together in opposite directions to produce a stronger functional movement and stabilize the joint. Example: triceps/biceps
force couples
Symptoms include activity-related tingling and numbness in the ring and small fingers of the hand (possibly worse at night) and pain in the medial elbow.
cubital tunnel syndrome (ulnar nerve entrapment)
The tendon at the radial tuberosity tears or ruptures.
Signs and symptoms: a pop in the elbow, pain in the elbow that subsides 1 or 2 weeks after the injury, visible swelling and bruising at the elbow, weakness with elbow flexion and forearm supination, and a bulging in the upper arm.
distal biceps tendon rupture
Inflammation and pain in the elbow (at the lateral epicondyle) caused from overuse. Other symptoms include a weak grip, and exacerbated pain when lifting an object with the forearm in pronation. Caused by microscopic tears in the ECRB tendon.
lateral epicondylitis (Tennis Elbow)
Treatment for tennis elbow includes:
- client education, rest
- ergonomic considerations
- bracing
- use of cold and heat
- stretching
- scar mobilization
- strengthening
This is the study of the interaction between human capabilities and the demands of their occupational roles. Concerns adaptations to an individual’s physical environment.
The primary supinator of the radioulnar joint.
Biceps brachii
The secondary forearm supinator (radioulnar joint)
Supinator muscle
Muscles responsible for forearm pronation (there are two).
Pronator teres and pronator quadratus
This ligament attaches proximally at the lateral epicondyle and distally on the annular ligament and on the ulna.
Stabilizes the ulnohumeral and radiohumeral joints when using the elbow resistively.
Lateral Collateral Ligament (LCL)
Protects the stability of the elbow joint against excessive valgus stress (especially when the elbow is flexed between 60 - 90 degrees). Attaches proximally at the medial epicondyle of the humerus and attaches distally to the medial sides of the olecranon and coronoid processes.
Medial Collateral Ligament (MCL)
A strong, broad band that surrounds the radial head and binds it to the ulna. Prevents subluxation of the head of the radius and protects against dislocation of the proximal radioulnar joint.
annular ligament
Supports radius and ulna keeping them from separating through the length of the forearm.
Interosseous Membrane (IM)
Elbow ROM required to perform the majority of ADL tasks is between ____ and ____ degrees of flexion and extension
30 and 130
Manual Muscle Testing
Forearm supination and pronation used is ____ degrees each for a total arc of motion of ____ degrees
50, 100
Carrying angle in women is typically about ____ to ___ degrees, while carrying angle for men is about ____ degrees
10 to 15 for women, 5 for men
Women carry plate _____, while men carry plate _____
to side, to front
Elbow joint needs to be strong to withstand forces _____ the weight of the body
1-3 times
Biceps muscle is a stronger flexor muscle when combined with what?
forearm supination
What muscle contributes to elbow flexion only against resistance?
Pronator teres