Exam 2-6 Flashcards
Mate Selection and Personality
both genders tend to look for low N, high C & A (the stability metatrait)
sex differences
biological differences between males and females, in organs, hormones, and body shape
sex differences in aggression & crime
Men account for 85% of all murders and non-negligent manslaughters in the U.S.
Cultural variation
refers to the differences in social behaviors that different cultures exhibit around the world. cultural variations can be described as characteristic adaptations
Geographical variations in traits
patterns of migration (founder effects)
social influences (confroming/reinforcing)
environmental influences (ecology/climate & neighborhood characteristics)
founder effects
which mean that the people who first settled an area tended to have a
particular personality profile, which they passed on genetically and/or culturally to their descendants;
few goals (& violence) vs. Many goals, some readily accessible
strictly traditional (homogeneous, dense) vs. Not (diverse, spread out)
The flynn effect
IQ increases 10-20 points per generation in industrialized countries
Neurobiology of intelligence
IQ correlates with brain size, is 60-80% heritable,large genetic influence on brain volume, nonverbal reasoning decreases with age.
Convergent thinking
a type of critical thinking in which one evaluates existing possible solutions to a problem to choose the best one
divergent thinking
expanding the number of possible problem solutions; creative thinking that diverges in different directions
Insight Problems
are problems that require reframing or reformulation in order to solve them. The usually produce the psychological state of “impasse” which occurs when one has no idea how to proceed with
solving a problem.
involves finding novel and appropriate problems to work on, as well as
coming up with novel and appropriate solutions to existing problems