Exam 1: Case Studies/Misc Flashcards
Why might a pt have a mechanical pattern of LBP associated with an infection?
pus pocket or something else that might be causing pressure in the spine or nerve roots during movement
What is the significance of a pt having had a partial hysterectomy?
Only takes out uterus, so hormones are still there
c/c LBP with B leg pain (R more than L) suggests…
possible central stenosis
If you suspect a pt has a dx of central stenosis, but they haven’t had a medical dx, what should you do?
We can treat this dx, but it would be a good idea to refer her for a formal medical dx
What is Synthroid commonly used for?
- enlarged glands
- thyroid cancer
What should you find out with a diabetic pt?
- controlled by meds or diet?
- blood sugar levels?
- regularly monitored by doc?
What should you find out with a cancer pt?
- What type
- How long ago?
When might cancer present with a mechanical pattern of agg/ease factors?
- Pain may be intermittent if early in the process
- Size of mass could potentially allow the pt to take pressure off of a tumor by changing position
Severity Irritability Nature Stage Stability
pain rating: mild, mod, severe
Think T1, T2, T3
How long it lingers
Nature - courses of action
- Refer for nonmusculoskeletal
- treat for neuromusculoskeletal
- treat and refer for something MSK, but there’s something else going on that another provider should know about
Stage (what are they?)
- Acute
- Subacute
- Chronic
- Acute on chronic
overall, is their problem better, worse, or the same?
What are the screening questions for depression?
- During the past month, have you often been bothered by feeling down, depressed, or hopeless?
- During the past month, have you often been bothered by little interest or pleasure in doing things?
Your pt is a long distance truck driver. Name at least 2 risk factors associated with this occupation.
- Constant low frequency whole-body vibration (e.g. driving)
- Heavy or frequent lifting
- Prolonged or frequent bending or lifting
- Postural stresses (high spinal loads or awkward postures)
Which areas should be cleared bilaterally with a pt with one-sided LBP?
- low thoracic
- lumbar
- abdomen
- anterior thigh
- groin
- calves
- feet
*ask about pain ratings and any N/T in any of the screened areas
You pt had 6/10 pain on admission and now two weeks later he reports 4/10. Has he improved?
Yes, MCID is 2 points for NPRS
A homemaker can’t think of any reason for her recent onset of LBP. How can you question her further about activities that might have led to the development of LBP (write a question or two)?
- Any changes in activity?
2. What is your typical day like?
A pt reports her pain worsens in standing and prone. What is the likely mechanical analysis/implication of these agg factors?
- Extension worsens symptoms
- Possible stenosis or flexion directional preference
Why does a PT care about a patient’s self-assessment of his or her overall health status?
- Helps determine prognosis
- poor perception = poor prognosis