Exam 1 Flashcards
Dermatome/myotome c2
back of head
high neck
Dermatome/myotome C6
thumb, lateral forarm, low upper arm
both ventral and dorsal surfaces
Dermatome/myotome C7
middle finger
medial forearm on dorsal and ventral surfaces
little and ring fingers
medial hand surface to wrist on dorsal and ventral surfaces
Dermatome/myotome T4/T5
nipple, and medial breast
Dermatome/myotome T10
umbilicus navel
inguil ligament
ventral hips where legs attach to pelvis
dorsal surface restricted
Dermatome/myotome L5
Big toe, medial foot up to shin
Dermatome/myotome s1
small toe plantar surface of foot medial surface of mid gastroc
Dermatome/myotome s5
i think the booty hole
suppleide by L2,3,4
dorsal column (face)
trigeminal ganglion decussates at pons to medial lemniscus fo VPM thalamus to somatosensory cortex
3x neurons
Spinothalamic trcact (face)
trigeminal ganlion
decussate across meduall to anterolateral system and VPM thalamus to somatosensory cortex
Corticospinal tract
descending commands from cortex to the alpha motor neurons in spinal cord
motor cortex to internal capsual to cerebral peduncle to pyrameidal tract to pyramidal decussation to LCST to motor neurons
or to VSCT with bilateral innervation becasue of the anterior white commisure
Corticobulbar tract
links the various brainstem nuclei together for teh voluntary control of brainstem nuclei/spinal nerves and are ipsilateral to target
MC to cerebral peducncel to pyramid
dorsal columns
carry proprioception and touch (epicretic) sensation up to the brain.
Gracilus only T6 and below, cunneautes added t5 and up
DRG to dorsal column to contralateral medial lemniscus to VPL thalamus to somatosensory cortex
Anterolateral system
aka spinothalamic tract
carries pain and temperature sensation from the body
uses lisaures tract to bypass single level legions
DRG to lamina 1,2,5 to contralateral decussation via anterior white commisuhre becomes STT to VPL thalamus to somatosensory cortex
Dorsal spinocereballar tract
carries unconcsious proprioeception of leg activation ipsilaterally to the cerebellum
DRG to gracillis fasciculus and clarke nuclei to DSCT to inferior cerebral peduncle to cerebellum
cuneocerebellar tract
carries unconscious proprioception ipsilaterally from upper body
DRG to cuneate fascicuulu to inferior cerebellar peduncle to cerebellum
ventral spinocerebellar tract
carries efferent readout of motor activation back to the cerebellum to inform what was actually reported
decussates twice but only one neuron
spinal bordal cells to ventral white commissure to VSCT to rostral medulla to decussation of superior cerebellar peduncel to cerebellum
Rubrospinal tract and Rubroolivary tract
used to facilitate use of upper limb flexors.
red nuceus to ventral tegmental decussation to RST to LCST?
red nucleus to central tegmental tract to inferior olicary nucleus
tectospinal tract
snaps head motor toward stimuli, contralateral
superior colliculus to dorsal tegmental decussation to TST to MLF?
pontine reticuolspinal tract
biases extensors to activate, inhibits flexors, opposite effect of MRSt particulary important for posture and gait
pontine reticular formation to prst to bilateral innervation at all levels of the cord
medullary reticulospinal tract
biases flexors and inhibits exstensors to counterbalance PRST important for posture and gait
nucleus reticularis gigantocellularis to MRST with bilateral inervation at medulla level
Medial vestibulospinal tract
controls motor neurons for head and neck positiongn relative to gravity
medial vestibular nucleus to bilateral descent in the medial longitudinal fasciculus
lateral vestibulospinal tract
controls extensor antigracity muscles used in postural adjustments
inhibitory input from cerebellar purkinje neurons
lateral vestibular nucleus to ?
septal nuclei to fornix to hippocampus nucleus basalis to maynert to neocortex striatum neocortex DTA to thalamus
substantia nigra pars compacta to striatum to nigrostriatal pathway
VTA reticular formation to cortical subcortcial limbic nuclie
arcuate nucleus of hypothalamus to infundibular portal release system
locus coerelus to entire cns
raphe nuclei to entire CNS
pineal gland for melatonin
pleasure pathway
dopaminergic tract passing from the ventral tegmental area to teh nucleus accumbens used to associate a reward with behavior
subsance p
pain molecule
acts on neurons in lamina I and II of spinal gray
long term potentiation
high activatsion of NMDA-Rs result in phosphorylation of AMPARs and thus increase mobilization/conductance at the synapse
Long term Depression
low activation of NMDS-Rs resuld in dephosphoyrlation of AMPArs and thus a decreased conductance
vertebral vs cord org
no C8 vertebra
C1-7 exit at or above vertebra
T1 and down exit below
horseradish peroxidase
does not jumb synapses
renshaw cells
feedback on alpha motor neurons that make sure they dont all fire at once
clean and consistent muscle activation by separating motor pool
cervical enlargement
C4 to T1 control for arms
lumbar enlargement
L2 to S3 for legs
conus medullaris
end of spinal cord around L1or2
Dural Sac
contains CSF in spinal cord, reaches S2
filum terminale
a strand of connective tissue that links the end of the spinal cord with the coccygeal ligament for vertical support
denticulate ligaments
anchors of the spinal cord to the dura
an extension of pia and arachnoid matter
anterior spinal artery
single large artery on the anterior/ventral face of teh spinal cord to supply the lateral and ventral funiculi
posterior spinal arteries
two small arteries that feed teh dorsal funiculus
radicular arteris
alternative arteries from the segmental arteries that supplement blood supply to the cord
not present at the mid thoracic T4-T8 level
a portion of these vessels 6-10 are enlarged and feed directly onto the posterior and anterior spinal arteries
great radicular artery of adamkiewics
a radicular artery feeding teh lumbosacral cord
meissner;s corpuscule
detects stroking and fluttering sensations in shallow epidermis
hair receptors
detects light stroking
present around hair shafts penetrating through the dermis
pacinian corpuscle
detects vibration
deep in dermis
multiple layers for fast adapting
merkel disk
detects presure and texture
found in shallow dermis
ruffini ending
detects stretching of skin
golgi tendon organ
placed in series with extrafusal muscle
along axis of stretch
stretch receptors
placed in parallel with the axis of stretch in muscle
free nerve endings
have protein receptors used to sense extracellular environment and send a signal
thermal and pain sensitive neurons