E3 hypothalamus Flashcards
major nuclei of posterior region
mammilary body
lateral hypothalamus
major nuclei of tuberal region
anterior supraotic region major nuclei of
paraventricular anterior supraoptic suprachiasmatic lateral
major nuclei of atnerior preopitc region
medial preoptic
lateral preoptic
anterior region blood supply
anterior cerebral artery ACA
anterior communicationg artery
tuberal region blood supply
posterior communicating artery
posterior region blood supply
posterior communicating
posterior cerebral arterty PCA
Basilar artery BA
lateral hypothalamus region blood supply
middle cerebal
anterior choroidal
Posterior nucleus
in posterior region
controls sympathetic system
descending hypothalamic fibers from here to T1-L2
fight or flight when stimulated
lesion gets horners syndrome
also controls thermoregulation via thermogeneises to conserve heat (vasoconstriction/shivering)
lesion gets poikilothermia
tuberomamillary nucleus
in posterior region
controls wakefulness
lesiong gets hypersomnia
mammilary body
in posterior region
consolidation of memory
papezs circuit for memory consolidation so limbic system
lesion or thiamine deficiency gets korsakoffs syndrome
korsakoffs syndrome
lesioned mammillary body
anterograde amnesia
lateral hypothalamus
in posterior region
feeding and regulation of sleep/wake
lateral hypothalamus
in tuberal region feeding center stimulates hunger and feeding lesion for anorexia regulation of sleep/wake makes orexin defeicneciy makes narcolepsy more orexine stimulates appetite and wakefulness
ventromedial nucleus
in tuberal region satiety center promotes cessation of eating lesion for hyperphagia leptin sensitive neurons