Exam 1 Flashcards
This denotes the place where the parasite reaches sexual maturity within a parasite’s lifecycle
definitive host
When a parasite gets into tissue and causes persistent cell degeneration leading to death, like Trichinella spiralis, this is called
The tapeworm Hymenolepis nana was found causing lung tumors in a man from Colombia, these rapidly growing masses were not human cells but cells from the tapeworm, what is the name of this scenario?
Amebic dysentary can result in pyogenic abscess in a visceral organ. What is this called
Extraintestinal amoebiasis
Naegleria fowleri infection is often diagnosed during autopsy. because when it infects a person it can cause
primary amebic meningoenchepalitis PAM
What was the first ameba identified from humans
entamoeba gingivlais
What are the 2 antibiotics used to treat intestinal and tissue forms of the parasite that causes amoebic dysentery
Paromycin and metronidazole
What type of transmission does Trypanosoma brucei have
What parasite causes villous blunting
Giardia lamblia
Which of the follow parasites are mostly commensalistic Giardia lambia Leishmania Trypanosoma brucei/ cruzi Chilomastix mesnili
chilomastix mesnili
What organelle causes Trichomonas vaginalis and other species to have energy in aerobic environments
Which parasite can be sexually transmitted G lamblia Entamoeba coli T vaginalis Leishmania
T vaginalis
What is the paratenic host for Dientamoeba fragilis
pin worm
Liver and cecal lesions are sufficient to diagnose infection of Histomonas meleagridis. When infection can be disgnosed with symptoms this is called
This DNA containing organ is associated with the flagellar base within hemoflagellates
After hydration what is the best medicine for Giardiasis
Which of the following would be diagnosed with a fecal float G lamblia Leishmania E coli T cruzi Chilomastix mesnili T vaginaliss
G lamblia
E coli
Chilomastix mesnili
What cell type of the immune system is necessary for Leishmania to proliferate