Chapter 2 Flashcards
What is the general structure of entamoeba
vesicular nucleus, small endosome at or near center, no goli nor mitochondria
What is the only pathogenic strain of entamoeba
Entamoeba histolytica
What illness does E. histolytica cause and what are the symptoms
amebiasis: mild loose stools, stomach pain and cramping
amebic dysentery: sever form, stomach pain, bloody stool, fever
Where in the body are E. Histolytica trophozoites found
trophozoites feed on mucosal secretions, invade tissue, lesions in cecum, appendix or colon
What is E. histolytica often confused with
E. hartmanni
How can E. Histolytica kill you
ulcers might get secondary infections, perforated colon.
rarely: attacks liver, perforates it, lungs or brain
Describe the life cycle of E. histolytica
in the large intestinal wall precysts (non-invasive)–> encystation create cysts that are passed out with feces–>cysts are ingested by host–> excystation in SI, metacystic amoeba reproduces by binary fission forming invasive trophozoites–>can transform to precysts, start over
How is E. histolytica diagnosed
stool samples by microscopy, floating stool sample, look for cysts
How is amebiasis treated
paromomycin for intestinal trophs and metronidazole for trophs and extraintestinal amoebiasis
How does metronidazole combat parasites
inhibits nucleic acid synthesis by disrupting DNA
How does paromomycin combat parasites
increases error rate in ribosomal translation, binds to RNA loop
Where in the world is E. histolytica found
cosmopolitan, moslty tropics and high density pops, young travelers
How is E. histolytica transmitted
contaminated water or food, filth flies and roaches can be mechanical vectors, night soil, oral anal sex
how can you avoid E. histolytica infection
bottled water, carbonated water, avoid unpeeled fruit and vegetables, street food
Where is Entamoeba coli found and what illness does it cause
lives in intestine, feeds on bacteria, protists and yeast, commensal, often confused with E. histolytica, non pathogenic