Evolution#2 Flashcards
changes in population gene pool
gene pool
all genes in population
agent of change (gene pool):
natural selection, mutations
benefical mutations
make organisms better fit (human mutation help others survive plague, small pox and aids)
sexual reproduction
result in genetic variation, major change agent in eukaryotes and diploid
major change in prokaryotes
eukaryotes and diploid
in meiosis, genetic recompination and indepedent assortment, chromosome form tetrad and crossing over
gene flow
changes in population gene pool due to migration (if one population migrate to another populaion, change gene variability (more genes for good or bad or less, dependent on which population migrate)
genetic drift
chanages in population gene pool due to chance
bottle neck
all indivudals wiped out ut few survive: lose genetic variability, indivudals who escaped reproduce and create new population
causes of bottle neck
causes: drought, natural disater,
example of bottle neck
buffalo (we wipe out), pandas, condors (la), elephant seal (san franciso, channel isalnds)
elepahtn seal
1890s hunted, 20 left
keeps going and goign and then crash
founder effect
by chance, few people get isolated from main population and get reolcated by changing = founding population
gapalagos islands (founder effect)
darwin found info there, land and water
land and water iguanas descended form green iguanas (south america0, green got to isladns
ancestor to giant tortoise
blown by storms of finches, blue black finch
rafting theory
ancestor fall on mats to sea
only few hundred move to penn, ohio= founding population, closed population, few leaved
natural seelction
major genetic variation
genetic variation
passed to geneartion to generation
humming bires (only two likely to survive)
adapt to envrionement
slight changes
lead to heavier changes
over popuatlion
heritable variation
all indivudals have slight difference, one generation to next
competition for limited resources
mates, food, etc
survival of fitest
variation mroe benefitical than others, wing difference, euffiicently shape of bill, better able to compete and surive
- differencal reproductive success
if beneficial varion: put variaotn into offspring
descended from end dutch esettlers, today susally disaes high rae of huntings, evidence for founders effect