evolution Flashcards
what is scientific hypothesis
a statement that provides one possible answer to a
question, or a possible explanation for an observation.
what is scientific theory
a general statement made based on hypotheses that lead to
successful predictions
what is evolution
the process of genetic change in a population overtime due to interactions between biotic anabiotic factors
what did plato (greek philosopher) declare
Every organism is an example of a perfect essence or
type created by God, and that these types are
unchanging. Variations were to be ignored, and instead focus on the
perfect type.
Who had typological thinking
what did Aristotle declare
Aristotle ordered organisms into a linear
scheme called the Great Chain of Being.
Species were organized into a graded
scale of perfection based on increased
size and complexity, with humans at the
what is the Great Chain of Being
artistotles organization of organisms into the scale of perfection with people at the top
what did John ray declare
developed a classification system for plants and animals based on anatomy and physiology.
what did Carolus Linnaeus develop (declare)
developed binomial nomenclature
What did Buffon declare
as someone who studied biogeography and anatomy, he said that life forms are changing
PALEONTOLOGY is the study of
Georges Cuvier declared
science of palaeontology. Each layer of rock has a unique fossil species. Deeper the layer, the more dissimilar species are. New species appear overtime and others dissapear
Georges Cuvier infered that
Earth experienced revolutions, which were violent enough to have killed numerous species.
what are revolutions
many destructive natural events in the past
catastrophes destroyed species living in an area, allowing species from neighbouring regions to repopulate the area.
who rejected catastrophism
Charles Lyell
What did Charles Lyell declare
UNIFORMITARIANISM: If geologic changes are slow and continuous
rather than catastrophic, the Earth must be over
6000 years old. Slow subtle processes can occur over long periods
of time leading to big changes (i.e. build and erode
mountains, floods).
Jean-Baptiste Lamarck declared
suggested that characteristics acquired during an organism’s lifetime can be passed on to its offspring. USE AND DISUSE: which
suggests that body parts not used would eventually
disappear. (the dumbass one)
Thomas Malthus declared
populations multiply faster than the
food supply. Populations are kept in check by famine
and/or disease.
Who influenced Darwins theory
Thomas Malthus
Charles Darwin declared
variation in a population was the key to understanding species.
Darwin and Alfred Russel Wallace
individuals with traits that helped
them survive their local environments were likely
to survive and pass on these traits to their
offspring. (Natural selection)
What word did Darwin never use in his book (Origin of species) and what word did he use instead
didn’tt use evolution, used decent with modification
why didn’t Darwin use the word evolution in his book
species in the past are our ancestors and does not have a set linear direction, it instead is based off of natural selection.
what is an adaption
a process that helps an organism to survive and reproduce in an enviorment. It results in gradual changes (random mutations in DNA)
What is behavioural Adaption
change in actions that helps it survive and reproduce ex. diet, migration, hibernation
structural adaptation
physical features that help organisms survive and reproduce ex webbed feet, beak shape, sharp claws, fur, scales
what is mimicry
non harmful appears as another harmful species
physiological adaption
internal processes that help animals maintain homeostasis. Internal responses by external stimuli ex venom production, shivering, scent glands, water retention
how do adaptions develop
not all variations become adaptions. Evniormental conditions determine if positive or negative helpful variations pass down and survive.
what is a mutation
permanent change in DNA of an organism. Every mutation exhibits new characteristics. Creates new alleles and occurs continuously in s phase of interphase
what is selective advantage
genetic advantage that improves organisms chance of survival in a changing environment
what is rapid reproduction
overpopulation. Usually toned down by antibiotics but a chance of antibiotic resistance
whatever is Natural selection and where can it only occur
process of change in characteristics of a population over many generations. It can only occur in genetically diverse population
What is fitness
organisms ability to survive and reproduce in a local environment. Alleles are passable to offspring
What does no diversity lead to
what is artificial selection
selective pressure by humans in order to improve or modify certain traits. Selective breeding or transgenic organisms
what are the consequences of artificial selection
no genetic diversity, negativity affects other traits
What is monoculture
same crop planted repeatedly in a field. It is easy to manage but environmental changes can easily wipe out crops
what is embryology
organisms that are closely related may also have physical similarities before they are even born.
what is comparative anatomy
compare and contrast different bone structures
what are homologous structures
individual variable to one in a common anatomical theme seen in closely related organisms
what are analogous structures
very different anatomy but similar functions. Not nessecearily closely related but like in similar environments and similar adaptions
What are vestigial structures
anatomical remnants that were important for ancestors but are no longer used in the same way
what is molecular biology
to check similarity through amino acids or alleles (DNA)